Built on Power Quarterly Update
Join us four times a year in a webinar where we will go through important things to know about around IBM Power Systems. Of course there will be a lot of focus on IBM i related stuff but also AIX and Linux on Power will be covered.
A free and easy way to keep yourself updated!
(If you want to have something similar for your own company only, please let us know)
Recorded previous webinars: 2021-QU1 March 25th

2021-QU2 Webinar
Date: June 23
Time: 14.00 Central European Time
Speaker: IBM Power Champion Torbjörn Appehl

- Highlights from recent IBM announcements
- Highlights from our daily newsletters (Sign up HERE)
- Power10 – What do we know so far
- Passed and upcoming events and activities to know about
- News from the IBM i community
- Technologies you should know about or keep an extra eye on
- “Rumor control”