Daily news about IBM AIX

  • Automating AIX Live Update with Ansible
    by Emma Pitzl on 2024-09-04 at 22:11

    I’ve written about my experiences with AIX Live Update, and the ability to update and patch your AIX servers without a reboot in the past. More recently I tested AIX Live Update (aka Live Kernel Update or LKU) with Ansible. Automating this powerful AIX function is advantageous, as it allows administrators to streamline the live The post Automating AIX Live Update with Ansible appeared first on TechChannel.

  • Nuggets from AIX Documentation
    by Emma Pitzl on 2024-09-04 at 20:10

    Rob McNelly seeks answers, makes a quick confession and receives a timely reminder The post Nuggets from AIX Documentation appeared first on TechChannel.

  • IBM Power Cloud: Elevating IBM’s Strength with Cloud Tech – Technology Magazine
    on 2024-09-03 at 16:37

    Both IBM i and IBM Power are used across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, retail, automotive, hospitality, travel, computer services, healthcare, banking, and even non-profit fund-raising. In the healthcare sector, for instance, IBM’s systems support critical applications and data management tasks, enabling healthcare providers to offer more personalized and timely patient care. In finance, IBM infrastructure manages high-frequency trading systems, conducts real-time analytics, and safeguards sensitive financial information against cyber threats. Retailers, on the other hand, may apply IBM solutions for efficient inventory management and personalized customer experiences, while manufacturers benefit from IBM’s technology by optimizing production processes and supply chains.What challenges does cloud technology help solve?While the benefit of using IBM i and IBM Power is undeniable, investing in IBM equipment can be quite challenging because of the high upfront costs, the need for specialized expertise to manage and maintain the systems, and potential integration complexities with existing infrastructure. One of the top solutions to tackle that is to migrate the existing IBM infrastructure to the cloud environment. Cloud technology is definitely on the rise, with the market projected to reach US$947.3bn by 2026 and 60% of all business data currently stored in the cloud.

  • Update AIX with Ansible. Part 3c.
    by Andrey Klyachkin on 2024-08-30 at 11:06

    RPM repository delivery

  • Adventures with NIMADM: Upgrading from AIX V7.2 to V7.3
    by Emma Pitzl on 2024-08-28 at 19:45

    IBM Champion Jaqui Lynch highlights her recent experience using NIMADM to upgrade AIX from V7.2 to V7.3 The post Adventures with NIMADM: Upgrading from AIX V7.2 to V7.3 appeared first on TechChannel.

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