IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 24, Number 33

First up, IBM has tweaked its temporary additional use policy for Power Systems software for migrations to Power E1080, Power E1050, and Power S1024 servers. You can read about it here.

Here is the significance of this. When you do an upgrade, you get 70 days from install to use the systems software for free. That can be extended once for 40 days, and then that can be extended again, once, for 3 days. After that, you have to beg for more if you need more time to do the upgrade. IBM doesn’t care about partitions, it’s the host

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@tappehl This is THE best explanation of what of how our beloved #IBMi and its predecessors #Systemi #iseries and #AS400 started. Fully recommended for the whole #IBMPowersystems #ibmi communiity. Know the history to plan the future – yourself

– Ranga Deshpande (@RangaDesh) (in reply to tappehl)11:46 – Aug 14, 2022

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