The VALUE of (historical) data with Piotr Kononow #DataCentricOnIBMi #RPGUnleashed #authenticmodernizationonibmi #rpgfuturize #ifuturize #unleashi #Db2fori #dataquality #dataqualitymanagement #datamanagement #datascience #datamodernization

The VALUE of (historical) data with Piotr…?#ibmi #DataCentricOnIBMi #RPGUnleashed #authenticmodernizationonibmi #rpgfuturize #ifuturize #unleashi
#Db2fori #dataquality #dataqualitymanagement #datamanagement #datascience #datamodernization

– Marinus van Sandwyk (@Mbogo333)06:33 – Aug 06, 2022

Great afternoon/evening @notesofbarry @IBMJesseG No hype; we made a quantum leap in such a short time in catching up with all the great modern stuff you can do with our #IBMi All great speakers starting with @Steve_Will_IBMi and demystification of Merlin

Great afternoon/evening @notesofbarry @IBMJesseG No hype; we made a quantum leap in such a short time in catching up with all the great modern stuff you can do with our #IBMi All great speakers starting with @Steve_Will_IBMi and demystification of Merlin

– Ranga Deshpande (@RangaDesh)12:48 – Aug 05, 2022

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