October 2022 Newsletter

This newsletter includes:

Function Junction – Securing Applications
The Grass is Always Greener Over The Septic Field – An Argument for Modernization Over Replacement
[NEXT WEEK] Register Now: iAdmin Fall 2022
iTech iTip Videos
Sips & Tricks: Coffee with iTech
iBasics: IBM i Education for the Beginner System Administrator
Watch Replay: Tactical Security Day
iPOWER Hour Episode 40: Security Vulnerabilities on Your IBM i
Upcoming Events
IBM i, FSP, and HMC release levels and PTFs (October 2022)

It’s Autumn in Connecticut, and there is no place prettier with the rolling hills of orange, yellow, and burnt red leaves as far as the eye can see, but underneath that beautiful landscape is the changes that will take place as we head into winter. There are lots of changes, and one that you might have seen with our integration into Service Express is the changing of our email addresses.

Only the domain name has changed from itechsol.com to serviceexpress.com, it is still our first initial followed by our last name. Our old email addresses are currently being forwarded to our new email addresses.  Other than that, you shouldn’t have noticed anything else changing in the services that we provide, or the support you have been used to all these years.  And that is a good thing and what I would have expected.   Of course, we now have additional offerings, and soon a few more people.  If there is something that you aren’t happy with the integration, let me know so that I can look into it and get it resolved.

iAdmin Fall 2022

Our iAdmin Fall 2022 is just days away, are you registered yet?  There is still time. This will be the same quality conference we have done in the past, and it will be packed with information, provided by your IBM i team here at iTech (now a Service Express company) who know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it when it comes to IBM i. You have heard me say it many times, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the know-how. So, why are you still with your business partner?

The dates for iAdmin Fall 2022 are November 2nd and 3rd, and as you can see from the agenda, this is an event you won’t want to miss.

This is a $1,500 conference and we

The post October 2022 Newsletter first appeared on iTech Solutions Group.

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