730 – C2335730 Current Cumulative PTF Package Instructions


Preventive Service Planning -PSP

C2335730 Current Cumulative PTF Package Instructions
Release — R730

                            C2335730 Current Cumulative PTF Package Instructions
                                              This PSP consists of:
                                  Short Version of Installation Instructions
                                  and the Detailed Installation Instructions.
                                     The listing of PTFs is in PSP SF96193.
  IBM i PTF Shipping Information Letter
  SF99730 Level 22335
  PACKAGE ID:  C2335730
  Cumulative PTF Package Instructions Last Updated: 12/02/2022
  Note: Online copy of this document is the latest version. Any
  printed copy should be assumed to be obsolete and not used unless
  the date of last update is verified to match that shown on the
  online version.
  The information contained in this document was current at the
  time this cumulative PTF package was made available. We recommend
  you get the most current information (including a more detailed
  installation instructions version if desired) which can be found
  via the following URL:
  PSP SF98730 lists HIPER PTFs not included in this cumulative PTF
  package and any defective PTFs identified since this package was
  You will receive the cumulative PTF package in one of three
  different formats:
  *  Electronically downloaded as individual PTF save files
  *  Electronically downloaded as optical image files
  *  Physical optical media (when it cannot be downloaded
  The installation instructions contained in this document will
  guide you through the install steps needed for each format.
  As with any PTF order, before you install the PTFs you should
  review the cover letter of each delivered PTF for any special
  instructions that may need to be followed. When you ordered your
  cumulative PTF package, you were automatically sent the latest
  HIPER and Database PTF groups along with the cumulative PTF
  package. You should review the cover letters for the PTFs in
  these groups that are applicable to your system. The commands
  needed for copying and printing (or displaying) the PTF cover
  letter(s) are included below.
     *  Mount the PTF media and sign on using a security officer
        user profile such as QSECOFR.
     *  To copy all cover letters from media onto the system for
        PTFs that are not already applied to your system, enter the
        following command:
     *  To copy a specific cover letter from media onto the system,
        enter the following command:
        CPYPTFCVR DEV(device_name) LICPGM(product_id) SELECT(ptf_id)
     *  The PTF cover letters must be copied from the media first
        before they can be displayed or printed.
     *  To display or print cover letters for all PTFs that are
        currently not applied on your system, enter one of the
        following commands:
        Note: You can also specify CVRATR(*SPCINST) on the
        DSPPTFCVR command to view all cover letters that have
        special instructions.
     *  To display or print a specific cover letter, enter one of
        the following commands:
        DSPPTFCVR LICPGM(product_id) SELECT(ptf_id)
        DSPPTFCVR LICPGM(product_id) SELECT(ptf_id) OUTPUT(*PRINT)
     *  PTF TC22335 is the Cumulative PTF package cover letter and
        contains a list of all PTFs contained in this cumulative
        PTF package. To display the Cumulative PTF package cover
        letter, enter one of the following commands:
           DSPPTFCVR LICPGM(5770SS1) SELECT(TC22335)
  3. NEW – You can also review the special instructions for PTFs in
     the cumulative package or groups in a convenient format
     *  Cumulative package:
     *  HIPER PTF group:
     *  Database PTF group:
  1. Failure to follow these instructions may result in failure of
     your system to operate. Follow the directions carefully every
     time you install a cumulative PTF package.
  2. Cumulative PTF packages must be installed delayed for proper
     PTF installation. Do NOT use any immediate apply install
     options to install this package; otherwise, unpredictable
     results may occur.
  3. Vital PTF information: Application of PTFs within this
     cumulative PTF package may disable or render ineffective
     programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the
     IBM® translator, including programs that circumvent control
     technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased
     levels. These PTFs may be prerequisites for future PTFs. By
     applying these PTFs you authorize and agree to the foregoing.
  4. Each of these PTFs is subject to the terms of the license
     agreement which accompanied, or was contained in, the Program
     for which you are obtaining such PTF. You are not authorized
     to install or use any such PTF except as part of the Program
     for which you have a valid Proof of Entitlement.
     The applicable license agreement may have been provided to you
     in printed form and/or may be viewed using the Work with
     Software Agreements (WRKSFWAGR) CL command.
  5. Please review the special instructions for the following PTFs
     which are included in this package if you have the product
     installed and the PTF (or its Superseded-by PTF) is not
     already applied. NOTE: PTF cover letters are available at
     https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/ptf/PPPPPPP where PPPPPPP is
     the PTF number.
  6. Attention Content Manager OnDemand – 5770RD1 – Users. If you
     have Content Manager OnDemand – 5770RD1 – installed, please
     see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/404923 for any
     important special instructions.
  7. If you received this cumulative PTF package as physical
     optical media, it is strongly recommended that you create an
     image catalog from the media and perform the PTF install from
     a virtual optical device. This may avoid multiple IPLs during
     the PTF installation.
  8. The approximate install time for this cumulative PTF package
     is one hour.
  9. You should have a current backup of your system before
     applying this package. If you have backed up your system since
     the last time you applied PTFs, that backup is acceptable.
  10. If you are running on the A storage area, perform a normal
      IPL from the B IPL source. To determine the storage area you
      are running from, type DSPPTF 5770999 and press Enter. On the
      Display PTF Status display, the storage area is identified in
      the IPL source field. ##MACH#A is the A storage area and
      ##MACH#B is the B storage area.
  11. IMPORTANT: Permanently apply any temporarily applied Licensed
      Internal Code PTFs on your partition before installing this
      cumulative PTF package:
  12. Be sure the IPL mode is set at Normal on the control panel
      and sign on using a security officer user profile such as
  13. DO NOT cancel any of the steps once they are started. Allow
      each step to complete normally.
  14. Select the appropriate INSTALL steps below based on the
      format in which you received the cumulative PTF package.
  15. The PTF install processing will automatically pre-apply the
      following PTFs when applicable: 5770999-MF64791,
      5770999-MF64477, 5770999-MF64229, 5770999-MF63690,
      5770999-MF67818, 5770999-MF66460, 5770SS1-SI67501,
      5770SS1-SI73914, 5770SS1-SI65033 and 5770SS1-SI69063.
  16. If you have changed defaults to any IBM commands using the
      CHGCMDDFT command, application of this PTF package will
      change the command defaults back to the shipped values for
      any commands included in this PTF package. This can cause
      commands to behave differently after applying PTFs. IBM
      recommends that any time you change a command default for a
      command in an IBM library, you keep the CHGCMDDFT commands in
      a CL program, and run that program after you apply PTFs to
      reapply your customized command defaults.
  17. If you already have PTF 5770999-MF99207 installed, or if you
      are running a stand-alone system or you run with multiple
      partitions which are HMC managed, the following document can
      be ignored. Otherwise, to prevent a potential C6003962 IPL
      hang while applying PTF MF99207, please review the following
      document before installing this Cumulative package:
  18. If your partition has IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i
      (5770-JS1) installed, run the following command before
      installing this package:
      This will prevent unnecessary inquiry messages in the SCPF
      job log that could hang the install when certain System Reply
      List entries have been customized with an ‘R’ reply.
  If you received the cumulative PTF package electronically as
  individual PTF save files, refer to the INSTALL FROM *SERVICE
  section in the detailed installation instructions.
  Use these steps when you ordered and received the cumulative PTF
  package electronically as optical image files:
  1. Create your image catalog and add the image files to the
     catalog. For information on how to create an image catalog
     refer to the IBM Knowledge Center:
     (IBM i 7.3>IBM i and related software>Maintaining and managing
     IBM i and related software>Using software fixes>Installing
     fixes>Step 3: Choosing your fix installation
     scenario>Installing IBM i fixes from an image catalog).
  2. Load the image catalog into the virtual optical device using
     the following command:
  3. Type GO PTF and press the Enter key.
  4. Take menu option 8 and press the Enter key.
  5. If the Continue PTF Install display is shown, press the Enter
  6. Review the appropriate options and notes which follow, below,
     then complete the Install Options for Program Temporary Fixes
     screen and press the Enter key.
     Device . . . . . .  OPTVRTxx (for example, OPTVRT01)
     Automatic IPL  . .  Y = Yes or N = No
     Prompt for media .  1 or 3
     Restart type . . .  *SYS
     Other options  . .  Y = Yes
     Note: If you have received individual and/or PTF groups as
     save files that you want to install at the same time as the
     cumulative PTF package, type 3 in the Prompt for media field.
  7. Review the appropriate options and notes which follow, below,
     then complete the Other Install Options screen and press the
     Enter key.
     Omit PTFs  . .  N = No or Y = Yes
     Apply type . .  1 = Set all PTFs delayed
     PTF type . . .  1 = All PTFs
     Copy PTFs  . .  N = No or Y = Yes
     Note: Depending on the previous options specified, some fields
     above may not be shown.
     Note: If you have PTFs to omit, type Y in the Other Options
     field and follow the directions on the displays which follow.
     Refer to Appendix A in the detailed installation instructions
     section on omitting PTFs.
  8. The display shows the licensed programs for which PTFs are
     being loaded. All volumes that are loaded in the image catalog
     are automatically processed.
  9. Continue with the COMPLETE THE INSTALL PROCESS section.
  Use these steps when you ordered and received the cumulative PTF
  package as physical optical media:
  1. Enter the following command and press the Enter key.
     This step ensures a break message will appear if the system
     determines you should mount the next volume. IMPORTANT—If
     there are no PTFs on the other volumes that are applicable to
     your system, the system will not prompt you for the other
  2. Ensure volume one of the cumulative PTF package media, labeled
     C2335730_01, is loaded in the appropriate drive for the media
     you are using.
  3. Type GO PTF and press the Enter key.
  4. Take menu option 8 and press the Enter key.
  5. If the Continue PTF Install display is shown, press the Enter
  6. Review the appropriate options and notes which follow, below,
     then complete the Install Options for Program Temporary Fixes
     screen and press the Enter key.
     Device . . . . . .  OPTxx (for example, OPT01)
     Automatic IPL  . .  Y = Yes or N = No
     Prompt for media .  2 or 3
     Restart type . . .  *SYS
     Other options  . .  Y = Yes
     Note: Enter a 2 in the Prompt for media field in order to
     install the HIPER and Database PTF groups along with your
     cumulative PTF package.
     If you have received individual and/or PTF groups as save
     files that you want to install at the same time as the
     cumulative PTF package, type 3 in the Prompt for media field.
  7. Review the appropriate options and notes which follow, below,
     then complete the Other Install Options screen and press the
     Enter key.
     Omit PTFs  . .  N = No or Y = Yes
     Apply type . .  1 = Set all PTFs delayed
     PTF type . . .  1 = All PTFs
     Copy PTFs  . .  N = No or Y = Yes
     Note: Depending on the previous options specified, some fields
     above may not be shown.
     Note: If you have PTFs to omit, type Y in the Other Options
     field and follow the directions on the displays which follow.
     Refer to Appendix A in the detailed installation instructions
     section on omitting PTFs.
  8. The display shows the licensed programs for which PTFs are
     being loaded.
     8.a. After each volume is processed, you will receive a
          message to mount the next volume. Load the volume
          indicated and use the G option to continue.
     8.b. After all the applicable volumes for the cumulative PTF
          package have been processed, you will automatically be
          prompted to mount the first volume of the next media set
          in order to install the HIPER and Database PTF groups.
          Mount the first volume in the set and use the G option to
     8.c. Continue mounting any additional volumes. When all your
          volume sets have been processed, use the X option to
          complete the PTF installation.
     Note: If there are volumes that contain PTFs that are not
     applicable to your system, the system will not prompt you to
     mount those volumes.
  9. Continue with the COMPLETE THE INSTALL PROCESS section.
  Use these steps to complete the install process.
  1. If the Confirm IPL to Complete PTF Install display is shown:
     1.a. End all jobs on the system and perform a normal mode IPL
          to the B IPL source. If you are installing from optical
          image files, do not delete the image catalog until after
          the next normal IPL completes.
     1.b. When the Sign On display is shown, continue with step 4.
  2. If the Confirm IPL for Technology Refresh PTFs display is
     2.a. Press F10 to end all jobs on the system and IPL the
          system. Note: If an IPL cannot be performed right away,
          press F12 to Cancel the process. Schedule to IPL the
          system at the earliest convenience.
     2.b. When the Sign On display is shown, if you are installing
          from optical media, go back and start the installation of
          this cumulative PTF package again. (The next time through
          these instructions, you will not get this display.) Start
          again with STEP 1 of INSTALL FROM OPTICAL MEDIA section.
          If you installed from *SERVICE or optical image files,
          continue with step 4.
  3. If you entered a Y (Yes) for the Automatic IPL option, the
     system will be IPLed automatically. If you entered N (No) for
     the Automatic IPL field, you must use the following command
     when you are ready to activate the fixes:
  4. After the IPL completes, use the following procedure to verify
     the cumulative PTF package was properly installed:
     4.a. Sign on using a security officer user profile such as
     4.b. Type WRKPTFGRP SF99730 on any command line.
     4.c. If the Status field is “Installed” and the Level field is
          “22335”, continue with step 5, otherwise, continue with
          step 4.d.
     4.d. Type GO LICPGM on any command line.
     4.e. Press the Enter key. The Work with Licensed Programs
          display is shown.
     4.f. Select option 50.
     4.g. Press the Enter key. The Install History display is
     4.h. Press the Enter key. The Display History Log Contents
          display appears.
          *  If the cumulative PTF package was installed
             successfully, you will see messages indicating the
             applying of PTFs completed. Continue with step 5.
          *  If the cumulative PTF package was not installed
             successfully, you will see messages indicating the
             applying of PTFs failed. Contact your provider of
             software service for assistance.
          *  If the previous IPL was abnormal, only PTFs for the
             Licensed Internal Code will be applied (5770999). You
             can check if the previous IPL was abnormal by typing
             the following command:
             If the IPL was abnormal and you are installing this
             package immediately after a system install, perform
             the IPL again to apply the remaining PTFs.
  5. You can resume normal system operation at this time. You
     should back up your system again at your earliest convenience.
  If you have comments or concerns with cumulative PTF packages,
  contact your provider of software service.
  IBM i PTF Shipping Information Letter
  SF99730 Level 22335
  PACKAGE ID:  C2335730
  Cumulative PTF Package Instructions Last Updated: 12/02/2022.
  Note: Online copy of this document is the latest version. Any
  printed copy should be assumed to be obsolete and not used unless
  the date of last update is verified to match that shown on the
  online version.
  This PTF package replaces the following PTF packages for Version
  7 Release 3.0. If you have any of the packages listed below, do
  not spend time installing them. All PTFs from the earlier
  packages are contained in this package.
  C6085730 C6299730 C7061730 C7283730 C8025730 C8242730 C9116730 C9311730 C0128730 C0310730 C1098730 C1245730 C2132730
  You will receive the cumulative PTF package in one of three
  different formats:
  *  Electronically downloaded as individual PTF save files
  *  Electronically downloaded as optical image files
  *  Physical optical media (when it cannot be downloaded
  The installation instructions contained in this document will
  guide you through the install steps needed for each format.
  As with any PTF order, before you install the PTFs you should
  review the cover letter of each delivered PTF for any special
  instructions that may need to be followed. When you ordered your
  cumulative PTF package, you were automatically sent the latest
  HIPER and Database PTF groups along with the cumulative PTF
  package. You should review the cover letters for the PTFs in
  these groups that are applicable to your system. The commands
  needed for copying and printing (or displaying) the PTF cover
  letter(s) are included below.
     *  Mount the PTF media and sign on using a security officer
        user profile such as QSECOFR.
     *  To copy all cover letters from media onto the system for
        PTFs that are not already applied to your system, enter the
        following command:
     *  To copy a specific cover letter from media onto the system,
        enter the following command:
        CPYPTFCVR DEV(device_name) LICPGM(product_id) SELECT(ptf_id)
     *  The PTF cover letters must be copied from the media first
        before they can be displayed or printed.
     *  To display or print cover letters for all PTFs that are
        currently not applied on your system, enter one of the
        following commands:
        Note: You can also specify CVRATR(*SPCINST) on the
        DSPPTFCVR command to view all cover letters that have
        special instructions.
     *  To display or print a specific cover letter, enter one of
        the following commands:
        DSPPTFCVR LICPGM(product_id) SELECT(ptf_id)
        DSPPTFCVR LICPGM(product_id) SELECT(ptf_id) OUTPUT(*PRINT)
     *  PTF TC22335 is the Cumulative PTF package cover letter and
        contains a list of all PTFs contained in this cumulative
        PTF package. To display the Cumulative PTF package cover
        letter, enter one of the following commands:
           DSPPTFCVR LICPGM(5770SS1) SELECT(TC22335)
  3. NEW – You can also review the special instructions for PTFs in
     the cumulative package or groups in a convenient format
     *  Cumulative package:
     *  HIPER PTF group:
     *  Database PTF group:
  1. Failure to follow these instructions may result in failure of
     your system to operate. Follow the directions carefully every
     time you install a cumulative PTF package.
  2. Cumulative PTF packages must be installed delayed for proper
     PTF installation. Do NOT use any immediate apply install
     options to install this package; otherwise, unpredictable
     results may occur.
  3. Vital PTF information: Application of PTFs within this
     cumulative PTF package may disable or render ineffective
     programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the
     IBM® translator, including programs that circumvent control
     technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased
     levels. These PTFs may be prerequisites for future PTFs. By
     applying these PTFs you authorize and agree to the foregoing.
  4. Each of these PTFs is subject to the terms of the license
     agreement which accompanied, or was contained in, the Program
     for which you are obtaining such PTF. You are not authorized
     to install or use any such PTF except as part of the Program
     for which you have a valid Proof of Entitlement.
     The applicable license agreement may have been provided to you
     in printed form and/or may be viewed using the Work with
     Software Agreements (WRKSFWAGR) CL command.
  5. Please review the special instructions for the following PTFs
     which are included in this package if you have the product
     installed and the PTF (or its Superseded-by PTF) is not
     already applied. NOTE: PTF cover letters are available at
     https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/ptf/PPPPPPP where PPPPPPP is
     the PTF number.
  6. Attention Content Manager OnDemand – 5770RD1 – Users. If you
     have Content Manager OnDemand – 5770RD1 – installed, please
     see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/404923 for any
     important special instructions.
  7. If you received this cumulative PTF package as physical
     optical media, it is strongly recommended that you create an
     image catalog from the media and perform the PTF install from
     a virtual optical device. This may avoid multiple IPLs during
     the PTF installation.
  8. The PTF install processing will automatically pre-apply the
     following PTFs when applicable: 5770999-MF64791,
     5770999-MF64477, 5770999-MF64229, 5770999-MF63690,
     5770999-MF67818, 5770999-MF66460, 5770SS1-SI67501,
     5770SS1-SI73914, 5770SS1-SI65033 and 5770SS1-SI69063.
  9. If you have changed defaults to any IBM commands using the
     CHGCMDDFT command, application of this PTF package will change
     the command defaults back to the shipped values for any
     commands included in this PTF package. This can cause commands
     to behave differently after applying PTFs. IBM recommends that
     any time you change a command default for a command in an IBM
     library, you keep the CHGCMDDFT commands in a CL program, and
     run that program after you apply PTFs to reapply your
     customized command defaults.
  10. If you already have PTF 5770999-MF99207 installed, or if you
      are running a stand-alone system or you run with multiple
      partitions which are HMC managed, the following document can
      be ignored. Otherwise, to prevent a potential C6003962 IPL
      hang while applying PTF MF99207, please review the following
      document before installing this Cumulative package:
  11. If your partition has IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i
      (5770-JS1) installed, run the following command before
      installing this package:
      This will prevent unnecessary inquiry messages in the SCPF
      job log that could hang the install when certain System Reply
      List entries have been customized with an ‘R’ reply.
  1. After reading this section, you should continue with the IBM i
  2. If any problems have been discovered with the PTFs in this
     package since it was released, they will be documented in the
     Preventive Service Planning (PSP) information. The PSP
     information can be viewed via the Internet at the following
     The PSP information can also be ordered from Electronic
     Customer Support (ECS) using the following command:
     SNDPTFORD SF98730
     The PSP information can also be obtained by calling your
     provider of software service and asking for the IBM i Version
     7 Release 3.0 PSP information for installing this cumulative
     PTF package (C2335730).
     The PSP information contains information about any high impact
     or pervasive problems that have been identified since this
     package was released. It is recommended that you order and
     install the PTFs for these problems if the USERS AFFECTED area
     pertains to you.
     If any PTFs in this package were found to be in error since
     this package was released, this information is also included
     in the PSP information. Users who will be affected by the
     error in a PTF should follow the RECOMMENDATION provided in
     the PSP.
  3. You should have a current backup of your system before
     applying this package. If you have backed up your system since
     the last time you applied PTFs, that backup is acceptable.
     Note: If you are installing this PTF package as a part of the
     Version 7 Release 3.0 installation process, you do not need to
     back up your system before you install this package.
  4. If you specify automatic IPL option “N” to install this
     package, you must use the following command when you are ready
     to activate the fixes:
  5. The approximate install time for this cumulative PTF package
     is one hour.
     The actual time required for your system may vary based on the
     *  Length of time typically required to IPL your system
     *  Frequency of cumulative PTF package updates to your system
     *  Performance associated with your specific model
     *  Number of licensed programs installed on your system
  6. If you have any problems applying these PTFs, contact your
     provider of software service.
  7. It is recommended that you permanently apply the PTFs in this
     package after you are comfortable that your system has been
     operating successfully with these PTFs.
     This will free up disk space otherwise used by temporary
     copies of modules in the PTF. The amount of disk space taken
     up by a cumulative package installation depends on the number
     of Licensed Programs installed and the frequency with which
     you install and permanently apply the cumulative PTFs.
  8. The QALWOBJRST system value determines whether
     security-sensitive objects may be restored to your system. If
     it is currently set to a value other than *ALL, this package
     may fail to install with message identifiers CPD373F or
     CPD3740. Use the command DSPSYSVAL QALWOBJRST to determine its
     value. If the value is *ALL, you may proceed with the package
     installation. If the value is not *ALL, write down the value
     displayed, and issue the command CHGSYSVAL QALWOBJRST *ALL
     prior to the package installation. This system value can be
     changed without an IPL. After the package installation is
     complete, similarly change the system value back to the
     initial value you wrote down.
  9. Appendix B contains some basic troubleshooting information
     that may help if you experience a failure installing this
     cumulative PTF package.
  Notify all users to sign off the system prior to any system IPL
  in these instructions. If you plan to select the option to
  automatically IPL the system, you should notify all users to sign
  off now.
  DO NOT cancel any of the following steps once they are started.
  Allow each step to complete normally.
  If you are running on the A storage area, perform a normal IPL
  from the B IPL source. To determine the storage area you are
  running from, type DSPPTF 5770999 and press ENTER. On the Display
  PTF Status display, the storage area is identified in the IPL
  source field. ##MACH#A is the A storage area and ##MACH#B is the
  B storage area.
  IMPORTANT: Permanently apply any temporarily applied Licensed
  Internal Code PTFs on your partition before installing this
  cumulative PTF package:
  Be sure the IPL mode is set at Normal on the control panel and
  sign on using a security officer user profile such as QSECOFR.
  Select the appropriate INSTALL steps below based on the format in
  which you received the cumulative PTF package.
  Use these steps when you ordered and received the cumulative PTF
  package electronically as PTF save files:
  1. Type GO PTF and press the Enter key.
  2. Take menu option 8 and press the Enter key.
  3. If the Continue PTF Install display is shown, press the Enter
  4. Review the appropriate options and notes which follow, below,
     then complete the Install Options for Program Temporary Fixes
     screen and press the Enter key.
     Device . . . . . . *SERVICE
     Automatic IPL  . . Y = Yes or N = No
     Prompt for media . 1
     Restart type . . . *SYS
     Other options  . . Y = Yes
  5. Review the appropriate options and notes which follow, below,
     then complete the Other Install Options screen and press the
     Enter key.
     Omit PTFs  . . N = No or Y = Yes
     Apply type . . 1 = Set all PTFs delayed
     PTF type . . . 1 = All PTFs
     Note: Depending on the previous options specified, some fields
     above may not be shown.
     Note: If you have PTFs to omit, type Y in the Other Options
     field and follow the directions on the displays which follow.
     Refer to Appendix A in the detailed installation instructions
     section on omitting PTFs.
  6. The display shows the licensed programs for which PTFs are
     being loaded.
  7. Continue with the COMPLETE THE INSTALL PROCESS section.
  Use these steps when you ordered and received the cumulative PTF
  package as optical image files:
  1. Create your image catalog and add the image files to the
     catalog. For information on how to create an image catalog
     refer to the IBM Knowledge Center:
     (IBM i 7.3>IBM i and related software>Maintaining and managing
     IBM i and related software>Using software fixes>Installing
     fixes>Step 3: Choosing your fix installation
     scenario>Installing IBM i fixes from an image catalog).
  2. Load the image catalog into the virtual optical device using
     the following command:
  3. Read this entire step carefully, as you may be asked to select
     an option to omit certain PTFs. To install the cumulative
     3.a. Type GO PTF on any command line and press the Enter key.
     3.b. On the Program Temporary Fix (PTF) display, select option
          8 (Install program temporary fix package) and press the
          Enter key. Using this option allows you to install all of
          the PTFs that are applicable to your system.
     3.c. If the Continue PTF Install display is shown, press the
          Enter key.
     3.d. Type the name of the virtual optical device in the Device
          field on the Install Options for Program Temporary Fixes
     3.e. If you do NOT want the system to automatically IPL:
          *  Enter an N (No) in the Automatic IPL field. The PTFs
             will not be temporarily applied until after the next
             unattended IPL.
     3.f. If you DO want the system to automatically IPL:
          *  Enter a Y (Yes) in the Automatic IPL field.
     3.g. Enter a 1 in the Prompt for media.
          If you have received individual and/or PTF groups as save
          files that you want to install at the same time as the
          cumulative PTF package, type 3 in the Prompt for media
     3.h. Enter a Y (Yes) in the Other Options field and press the
          Enter key.
     3.i. Enter a 1 in the Apply type field. If you specified Y
          (Yes) for the Automatic IPL field, the Apply type field
          is not displayed.
     3.j. Enter a 1 in the PTF type field.
     3.k. If the PSP information lists any PTFs that need to be
          manually omitted, omit those PTFs. Enter a Y (Yes) in the
          Omit PTFs field and follow APPENDIX A (“OMITTING A PTF
          FROM THE PACKAGE”) to omit any indicated PTFs. Otherwise,
          enter an N (No) in the Omit PTFs field.
     3.l. Press the Enter key.
          Note: If (after pressing the Enter key) the Confirm
          Install of Licensed Internal Code Fixes display is shown,
          press F10 to automatically IPL. Wait for the system to
          power down and start an IPL. When the Sign On display is
          shown, go back to STEP 1 and start the installation of
          this cumulative PTF package again. (The next time through
          these instructions, you will not get this display.)
  4. The display shows the licensed programs for which PTFs are
     being loaded. All volumes that are loaded in the image catalog
     are automatically processed.
  5. Continue with the COMPLETE THE INSTALL PROCESS section.
  Use these steps when you ordered and received the cumulative PTF
  package as physical optical media:
  1. Enter the following command and press the Enter key.
     This step ensures a break message will appear if the system
     determines you should mount the next volume. IMPORTANT — If
     there are no PTFs on the other volumes that are applicable to
     your system, the system will not prompt you for the other
  2. Read this entire step carefully, as you may be asked to select
     an option to omit certain PTFs. To install the cumulative
     2.a. Type GO PTF on any command line and press the Enter key.
     2.b. On the Program Temporary Fix (PTF) display, select option
          8 (Install program temporary fix package) and press the
          Enter key. Using this option allows you to install all of
          the PTFs that are applicable to your system.
     2.c. If the Continue PTF Install display is shown, press the
          Enter key.
     2.d. Ensure volume one of the cumulative PTF package media,
          labeled C2335730_01, is loaded in the appropriate drive
          for the media you are using, and type the name of the
          drive in the Device field on the Install Options for
          Program Temporary Fixes display.
     2.e. If you do NOT want the system to automatically IPL:
          *  Enter an N (No) in the Automatic IPL field. The PTFs
             will not be temporarily applied until after the next
             unattended IPL.
     2.f. If you DO want the system to automatically IPL:
          *  Enter a Y (Yes) in the Automatic IPL field.
     2.g. Enter a 2 in the Prompt for media field in order to
          install the HIPER and Database PTF groups along with your
          cumulative PTF Package.
          If you have received individual and/or PTF groups as save
          files that you want to install at the same time as the
          cumulative PTF package, type 3 in the Prompt for media
     2.h. Enter a Y (Yes) in the Other Options field and press the
          Enter key.
     2.i. Enter a 1 in the Apply type field. If you specified Y
          (Yes) for the Automatic IPL field, the Apply type field
          is not displayed.
     2.j. Enter a 1 in the PTF type field.
     2.k. If the PSP information lists any PTFs that need to be
          manually omitted, omit those PTFs. Enter a Y (Yes) in the
          Omit PTFs field and follow APPENDIX A (“OMITTING A PTF
          FROM THE PACKAGE”) to omit any indicated PTFs. Otherwise,
          enter an N (No) in the Omit PTFs field.
     2.l. Press the Enter key.
     Note: If (after pressing the Enter key) the Confirm Install of
     Licensed Internal Code Fixes display is shown, press F10 to
     automatically IPL. Wait for the system to power down and start
     an IPL. When the Sign On display is shown, go back to STEP 1
     and start the installation of this cumulative PTF package
     again. (The next time through these instructions, you will not
     get this display.)
  3. The display shows the licensed programs for which PTFs are
     being loaded.
     3.a. After each volume is processed, you will receive a
          message to mount the next volume. Load the volume
          indicated and use the G option to continue.
     3.b. After all the applicable volumes for the cumulative PTF
          package have been processed, you will automatically be
          prompted to mount the first volume of the next media set
          in order to install the HIPER and Database PTF groups.
          Mount the first volume in the set and use the G option to
     3.c. Continue mounting any additional volumes. When all your
          volume sets have been processed, use the X option to
          complete the PTF installation.
     Note: If there are volumes that contain PTFs that are not
     applicable to your system, the system will not prompt you to
     mount those volumes.
  4. Continue with the COMPLETE THE INSTALL PROCESS section.
  Use these steps to complete the install process.
  1. If the Confirm IPL to Complete PTF Install display is shown:
     1.a. End all jobs on the system and perform a normal mode IPL
          to the B IPL source. If you are installing from optical
          image files, do not delete the image catalog until after
          the next normal IPL completes.
     1.b. When the Sign On display is shown, continue with step 5.
  2. If the Confirm IPL for Technology Refresh PTFs display is
     2.a. Press F10 to end all jobs on the system and IPL the
          system. Note: If an IPL cannot be performed right away,
          press F12 to Cancel the process. Schedule to IPL the
          system at the earliest convenience.
     2.b. When the Sign On display is shown, if you are installing
          from optical media, go back and start the installation of
          this cumulative PTF package again. (The next time through
          these instructions, you will not get this display.) Start
          again with STEP 1 of INSTALL FROM OPTICAL MEDIA section.
          If you installed from *SERVICE or optical image files,
          continue with step 5.
  3. If you entered a Y (Yes) for the Automatic IPL option, the
     system will be IPLed automatically.
     After the IPL completes, the Sign On display is shown and the
     new PTFs are active. Read the following NOTEs, then go to STEP
     Note: During the power down of your service partition, system
     reference code D6xx430B or D6xx430A could be displayed for an
     extended amount of time. The “xx” should increment
     periodically and is a normal part of processing where server
     firmware code is being updated.
     Note: During the IPL, system reference code C9002967 could be
     displayed for an extended amount of time. This is normal
     (assuming the processor light flashes periodically). You may
     also notice multiple power down sequences, with a change in
     the IPL side that is displayed.
     Note: While applying Licensed Internal Code fixes, it may be
     necessary for the system to reorganize a portion of the
     Licensed Internal Code storage. While this reorganization is
     taking place, system reference codes (SRCs) C600 4400 and C600
     4401 are displayed.
  4. If you entered an N (No) for the Automatic IPL option, the
     display shows the licensed programs for which PTFs are being
     loaded and marked to be temporarily applied upon the next
     unattended IPL. When this procedure completes, the Program
     Temporary Fix display is shown. When you are ready to complete
     the installation of the package, do the following:
     4.a. Notify all users to sign off the system, then enter the
          following command to put the system in a restricted
          ENDSBS *ALL *IMMED
          Press the Enter key. The message “ENDSBS SBS(*ALL) in
          progress” is shown.
     4.b. Enter the following command:
          If the message “System ended to restricted condition” is
          shown, continue. Otherwise, repeat the above command
          until the message appears.
     4.c. Make sure the IPL mode is set at Normal on the control
     4.d. Enter the following command to perform the IPL:
          Press the Enter key.
          After the IPL completes, the Sign On display is shown and
          the new PTFs are active. Continue with STEP 5.
  5. Use the following procedure to verify the cumulative package
     was properly installed:
     5.a. Sign on using a security officer user profile such as
     5.b. Type WRKPTFGRP SF99730 on any command line.
     5.c. If the Status field is “Installed” and the Level field is
          “22335” continue with step 6, otherwise continue with
     5.d. Type GO LICPGM on any command line.
     5.e. Press the Enter key. The Work with licensed programs
          display is shown.
     5.f. Select option 50.
     5.g. Press the Enter key. The Install History display is
     5.h. Press the Enter key. The Display History Log Contents
          display appears.
          *  If the cumulative package was installed successfully,
             you will see messages indicating the applying of PTFs
             completed. Continue with STEP 6.
          *  If the cumulative PTF package was not installed
             successfully, you will see messages indicating the
             applying of PTFs failed. Contact your provider of
             software service for assistance.
          *  If the previous IPL was abnormal, only PTFs for the
             Licensed Internal Code will be applied (5770999). You
             can check if the previous IPL was abnormal by typing
             the following command:
             If the IPL was abnormal and you are installing this
             package immediately after a system install, perform
             the IPL again to apply the remaining PTFs.
  6. You can resume normal system operation at this time. You
     should back up your system again at your earliest convenience.
  This concludes the installation of the IBM i cumulative PTF
  If you have comments or concerns with cumulative PTF packages,
  contact your provider of software service.
  Use these steps when the Preventive Service Planning information
  directs you to omit a PTF from the package. When complete, return
  to the step following the one which sent you here.
  1. Enter a Y (Yes) in the Other Options field. Press the Enter
  2. If the Confirm Automatic IPL display is shown, follow the
     instructions on the display.
  3. On the Other Install Options display, enter a Y (Yes) in the
     Omit PTFs field. If the Apply Type field is also shown, enter
     a 1 (1 = Set all PTFs delayed). Press the Enter key.
  4. On the Omit Program Temporary Fixes display, select the
     products for which you want to omit PTFs and press the Enter
  5. On the PTFs to Omit display, enter a 1 in the option field and
     the PTF ID of the PTF you want to omit in the PTF ID field and
     press the Enter key. The list will be updated.
     Repeat this step for each PTF you want to omit for this
     product. Pressing the Enter key without any input on the
     display will take you to the PTFs to Omit display for the next
     product, or you will be returned to the Omit Program Temporary
     Fixes display once all selected products have been processed.
  6. Press the Enter key at the Omit Program Temporary Fixes
     display to go to the Confirm to Omit PTFs display. Confirm
     that the list is correct and press the Enter key to continue
     with the package installation.
  Q. Why is my IPL taking longer than usual?
  A. If an extra IPL is required for a Technology Refresh PTF or
  Special Handling pre-apply PTF, the extra IPL will be performed
  automatically. During the next normal IPL, the Install PTF
  command will be run during the “PTF Processing” IPL step in the
  SCPF job. Any additional LIC PTFs will be loaded from the PTF
  install device (virtual optical or *SERVICE), and all PTFs will
  be set for delayed apply. The partition will then be
  automatically restarted to apply all PTFs.
  Q. My cumulative PTF package did not install. How do I figure out
  what is wrong?
  A. First you need to determine whether the failure occurred
  during the load or apply phase of the cum package installation.
  If the system did not IPL, then chances are the failure occurred
  during the load phase. Do a help on the failure message, then
  press F10 to view the messages in the joblog. Look for escape
  messages that will indicate what the problem is. Fix these errors
  and then try the request again.
  1. Verify that the IPL was a normal unattended IPL, OS and LPP
     PTFs will not be applied during an abnormal IPL or during an
     attended IPL.
  2. Do a GO LICPGM and take option 50 to display the install
     history log for messages. Look for any messages that indicate
     that there was a failure during the install. The following
     messages are what you would expect to see during a successful
     cumulative PTF package installation:
  PTF installation process started.
  Loading of PTFs started.
  Loading of PTFs completed successfully.
  Marking of PTFs for delayed application started.
  Marking of PTFs for delayed application completed successfully.
  PTFs installed successfully.
  Apply PTF started.
  Applying of PTFs for product 5770999 completed successfully.
  Applying of PTFs for product 5770SS1 completed successfully.
  Applying of PTFs completed.
  PTFs applied or removed during IPL.
  If you find any failure messages, then you will need to go to the
  SCPF joblog to see the detailed messages that indicate what the
  problem is. To find the SCPF joblog, do the following:
  1. Enter the command: WRKJOB SCPF
  2. You may get a list of jobs. If you just did the IPL, enter a 1
     next to the first one that is not active.
  3. Enter a 10 and press enter to look at the spooled files for
     that job. The detailed error messages should be found in this
  4. Find the error messages and try to determine what caused the
     error. If you can fix the problem, do so and then re-IPL the
     system to apply the remaining PTFs.
  5. If you cannot fix the problem, have the information in the
     joblog available when you call your provider of software

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[{“Business Unit”:{“code”:”BU058″,”label”:”IBM Infrastructure w/TPS”},”Platform”:[{“code”:”PF012″,”label”:”IBM i”}],”Version”:”7.3.0″,”Product”:{“code”:”SSTS2D”,”label”:”IBM i 7.3 Preventative Service Planning”},”Component”:””,”Edition”:””,”Line of Business”:{“code”:”LOB57″,”label”:”Power”}}]

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