IBM i for a homelab? zrad603

​We use an IBM i server at work, but nobody in our department is even allowed to touch it, it is owned and operated by an Application Service Provider. I’ve always wanted to learn more about IBM i. Would it be possible to buy an IBM iSeries/power server on ebay, and actually do something with it? How hard is it to actually get software, etc just to mess around with? or is everything under lock and key, and only available if I pay IBM a ton of money? Obviously, I’m not planning on actually doing any actual production work with it. This would purely be educational and experimental. submitted by /u/zrad603[link][comments] Read More 

Latest Db2 and RPG TR PTFs out today [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​In the IBM i world does “Christmas” come twice a year when the PTFs for the Spring and Fall Technology Refreshes are delivered? I think so!
Today the PTFs for Db2 (SQL) and RPG are released for the latest Technology Refreshes, IBM i 7.5 TR2 and 7.4 TR8.
The base operating system PTFs for these TRs became available on the May 8, 2023, but they did not include any of the changes and enhancements to Db2/Database or RPG.
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