Conference Highlights and Sneak Previews Kick Off Session on July 11, 2023 IBM TechXchange Community

​Have you heard about the IBM TechXchange Conference 2023 that’s coming up in September? You can learn all about it during our series of Conference Highlights and Sneak Preview sessions, starting with the kick-off session on July 11, 2023.In this recording of the kick-off, you’ll hear from IBM Champions including Sanjiv Singh, Paul Cortellesi, and Timothy Tait, as well as Marius Ciortea, our Chief Community Officer, and Ashish Agrawal, Director of IBM TechXchange & Client Advocacy, to get all the important and exciting insights and updates about the upcoming technical conference. We’ll feature a variety of speakers who will provide you with sneak previews into what they will be covering in their sessions! Read More 

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