ibi™ Web Query for IBM i 8207.28.14

​ibi™ Web Query is an Analytics and BI product which empowers business users, analysts, and engineers to easily leverage data and analytics across the entire enterprise. It has deep and wide functional BI capabilities, essential for Enterprise Deployments – Web Query is a comprehensive platform that provides data management, visual discovery, predictive analytics, operational intelligence, and other essential capabilities for turning raw data into actionable insights. This offering includes all key features and core technologies for Web Query including: WebFOCUS Reporting,Data Adapters, Connect to 3rd Party Visualization, Predictive Analytics, Location Analytics, WebService API’s, Usage Monitoring, ETL (Data Migrator). These features are part of the WebFOCUS® Client: Report Caster, Analytics Anywhere, Mobile Enablement, Portal Users, Search, Authoring Designer (InfoAssist), Workbench. Read More 

New Profound API Feature to Simplify HTTP Status Codes Brian May

​Many times, you just need a simple API interface to return data.  Your API accepts input parameters, retrieves the data, and returns it with a simple status code 200.  But sometimes, you need a more sophisticated interface.  Perhaps you want to return status 204 to indicate that the request was successfully handled, but no matching The post New Profound API Feature to Simplify HTTP Status Codes appeared first on Profound Logic. Read More 

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