Guru: Fooling Around With SQL And RPG Gregory Simmons

​[[{“value”:”Editor’s Note: This was originally scheduled to be published on April 1. No joke. And for a lot of complex reasons, that could not happen. But, it’s still fun, so enjoy.
I started out one morning, purely interested in having a bit of fun. Honest. In RSS within ACS, I often like to run this SQL:
select *
from json_table(
‘{“header”: “Accept,application/json”, “sslTolerate”:”true”}’),
‘lax $’ columns (“joke” varchar(200) CCSID 1208)

Okay, that was fun. This is harmless, good fun. But then I thought, what if I put this into a simple RPG program? Then I …
The post Guru: Fooling Around With SQL And RPG appeared first on IT Jungle.”}]] Read More 

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