Risks to installing PTFs? jbarr107

​[[{“value”:”[SOLVED] My Manager said that her read of the PTF was that it would have no impact so she installed it. RDi v9.8 and higher now debugs without issue.
We upgraded to RDi v9.8 and enabling debugging requires 2 PTFs: PTF SI82335 and PTF SI84614.
Are there any risks to applying these to a Production environment?
The Type – Model is listed as “9009 – 41A” and the i5/OS version is “Version 7 Release 4 Modification 0”
They seem like innocuous fixes, but it’s also a Production environment, so I want to minimize any impact.
submitted by /u/jbarr107[link][comments]”}]] Read More 

Setting up FTPS Taudruw

​[[{“value”:”Is FTPS just a matter of loading the target system certificate into DCM and using the FTP command with PORT(990) and SECCNN(*SSL) command parameters?
submitted by /u/Taudruw[link][comments]”}]] Read More 

End to free format directive Simon Hutchinson

​[[{“value”:”What I call totally free RPG and what IBM calls modern RPG has been around for nine years. This type of RPG always needs the **FREE directive starting in the first position of the source line. And what follows is the free form RPG, where the source line can start in any position.

…+… 1 …+… 2 …+… 3 …+… 4 …+… 5 …+… 6 …+… 7 …+… 8
01 **free
02 dcl-s Statement1 varchar(100) inz(‘Entered in free format RPG’) ;

Marc Raynor informed me of another directive that “ends” the free format RPG, **END-FREE. After that directive all valid RPG must be entered in the sixth position for fixed format code, and later for the not completely free format code.
Having been told this I had to try it:
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Drilling Down Into New IBM i Perpetual And Subscription Pricing – IT Jungle

​[[{“value”:”As we reported in last week’s issue, Big Blue increased pricing on its pricing for per-core perpetual software licenses, per user licensing fees, Software Maintenace, and subscription prices back on January 1.
With the P20 tier, we have to guess what IBM will charge for a partial and a full 5250 enterprise enablement, which is a big part of the cost of perpetual license and an ongoing subscription license.”}]] Read More 

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