Set the VSCODE IBMi PATH to Open Source Packages on IBM i Nick Litten

​Setting the VSCODE IBM i PATH to open source packages on IBM i is beneficial for several reasons:Ease of Access: By setting the PATH to /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin, you can easily access open source tools and packages without needing to specify their full paths each time. This is similar to how library lists work on IBM iEfficiency: It streamlines your workflow by allowing you to run commands and scripts directly from the terminal or within VS Code, improving productivity and reducing the chance of errorsIntegration: It enhances the integration of open source tools with your development environment, making it easier to use languages and tools like Python, Node.js, and others directly on IBM iConsistency: Ensuring that the PATH is set correctly helps maintain consistency across different development environments and team members, making collaboration smootherMORE — Read More 

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