Why do banking systems use RPGLE? Is there a way to go around this? FutureLynx_

​[[{“value”:”So potentially Im being offered a job opportunity where the programming language used is RPGLE. I love all things programming, but dont get me wrong, this feels like a completely outdated, and very niche programming language.
If im to specialize in it, it’s knowledge and practice will be only useful inside the job and nothing else.
And this makes me think, if thats the case, why is this still a thing?
Why not use another modern language…?
I like programming with C++, JS, C#, even assembly would be welcomed. But RPGLE, what am i going to do with that?
submitted by /u/FutureLynx_[link][comments]”}]] Read More 

IBM i ACS and its weird AUTO UPDATE function!? NickLitten

​IBM Access Client Solutions (ACS) has a feature to check for updates automatically. You can enable this feature by selecting the “Check for Updates” option under the Help menu of the ACS Main User Interface. Alternatively, you can go to Edit -> Preferences and select “Notify when update is available”. So, you run the update Read More 

Using file name from data area for reading IFS file [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​[[{“value”:”The idea of this post came from a question I was asked. The questioner had a scenario where the name of an IFS file they needed read is in a data structure. They were unable to work out how to use the value from the data structure as the path name to read of the IFS file.
Let me start using ACS’s “Run SQL Scripts”, RSS, tool.
Before I can read a file in the IFS I need to create it. I can use the IFS_WRITE SQL procedure to do so:

01 CALL QSYS2.IFS_WRITE(‘/home/MyDirectory/test.txt’,
02 ‘First line’,

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