Somebody said Ransomware?

​[[{“value”:”Abstract: This 45-minute webinar provides essential guidance for small and medium-sized data centers on preventing, detecting, mitigating, and recovering from ransomware attacks.
Speaker: Gert-Jan Wille, Head of Cyber Security at HOWEST University of Applied Sciences”}]] Read More 

Converting an old PF to a shiny modern SQL TABLE NickLitten

​Converting an old Physical File (PF) to a modern SQL table can significantly enhance your database’s functionality and performance. Here are the general steps to achieve this: Here’s a simple example of how you might convert a PF to an SQL table: Creating SQL TABLES is easy – so How do we convert old DDS Read More 

September’s presentations [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​[[{“value”:”This month I have two events I am involved with.

The September meeting of the Central Texas IBM i User Group, CTXiUG, is on Tuesday September 10 starting at 6:30 PM (CT). The guest speaker is Jasmine Kaczmarek who will be sharing “IBM i Manager’s Survival Guide: Ransomware, Retirement Cliffs and more”. Which is something I think we all need to be aware of, not just those of us who are managers.
You can register at the CTXiUG website here.

On Monday September 23 and Tuesday September 24 I will be attending and presenting at Common Sweden’s annual conference. You can learn more about, and register, for the conference here.
I hope to see you there. And if you are attending and you see me, please introduce yourself and say “Hallå”.
Read more »”}]] Read More 

Adding UP with IBM i SQL NickLitten

​Playing with SQL on the IBM i System: IBM-i Aggregate Functions In the world of data management, SQL (Structured Query Language) stands out as a powerful tool for querying and manipulating databases. Among its many features, aggregate functions are some of the most valuable yet often underutilized capabilities. These functions allow you to perform calculations Read More 

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