The Power of Data Storytelling With LANSA BI Lansa Divi Admin

​[[{“value”:”Data storytelling imbues business communication with relevance and impact. But how you say things is just as important as what you say. Storytelling styles and narrative content both matter — and LANSA BI makes both more compelling in helping data drive organizational change. With LANSA BI, communicators and stakeholders go beyond simple reporting. They produce
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Once upon a time : IBM S/38 Common Europe Luxembourg

​[[{“value”:”The System/38 is a discontinued minicomputer and midrange computer manufactured and sold by IBM. The system was announced in 1978. The System/38 has 48-bit addressing, which was unique for the time, and a novel integrated database system. It was oriented toward a multi-user system environment. At the time, the typical system handled from a dozen to several dozen terminals. Although the System/38 failed to displace the systems it was intended to replace, its architecture served as the basis of the much more successful IBM AS/400.
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