[[{“value”:”Do you reckon I could make a career as a remote RPG developer if I spend the next few months learning the language?
I have worked in the financial industry for almost 9 years now.”}]] Read More
[[{“value”:”But integrating the ILE environment in a process which needs access to a streaming platform was not as straight forward as it should be.
There is no easy and straight forward way to send/receive data to/from a streaming platform using ILE languages.”}]] Read More
How to run a SQL statement that is in a column of a table [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)
[[{“value”:”This is a question that pops up every once in a while, therefore, I have decided to write this post to answer the question. I am sure what I am going to describe here is not the only way to execute a SQL statement that is in a column/field of a table/file. It is just the way I do it. If you know of another way please either comment, below, or use the Contact Form, in the right column, to send me the details.
In the example I am writing about I want to make SQL Aliases for each member in the multiple member file TESTFILE. I have created a CTE to do this, but what I am going to do is to show the individual SQL statements that make up the CTE before I show the CTE statement.
Firstly, I need to establish a list of members in TESTFILE. Here I can use the new SQL view SYSMEMBERSTAT. I am only interested in returning the following columns in the results:
Read more »”}]] Read More
Innovation, Simplification, and Joy: Celebrating the Holidays the Profound Logic Way Profound Logic
[[{“value”:”Discover how Profound Logic’s core values of innovation, simplification, and accountability create a unique holiday celebration that connects our global team while maintaining our commitment to excellence in IBM i futurization.
The post Innovation, Simplification, and Joy: Celebrating the Holidays the Profound Logic Way appeared first on Profound Logic.”}]] Read More
⭐️ Code for IBM i 2024 review · codefori · Discussion #2428
When I wrote the 2023 year-in-review for Code for IBM i, I thought that year was huge. 2024 took it a step further, with downloads and viewership doubling. I am excited to share all the cool things… Read More