Mapepire Introduction Andy Youens

​[[{“value”:”In my last couple of articles, I have shown python accessing data on the IBM i, accessing both DB2 for i and SQLite. The SQLite article used an SQLite package to get the data, and for the DB2 for i example I used ODBC to retrieve data from the IBM i. In this article I’ll
The post Mapepire Introduction first appeared on PowerWire.”}]] Read More 

All You need to know about Query supervisor Andrea

​[[{“value”:”One of the dream of sysadmins is monitoring system SQL usage, to check how much temporary storage is used by SQL statements, to check long-running SQL statements and so on. Daily, in my job I am able to see a lot of situations in which user run a lot of SQL statements with ODBC tools
The post All You need to know about Query supervisor appeared first on All4Power.”}]] Read More 

Programming in ILE RPG – Defining Data Structures, Part II – MC Press Online

​[[{“value”:”To illustrate the concept of overlapping, or defining subfields within subfields, the following example assumes your program contains variables Firstname (15 bytes) and Phone (10 digits).
The subfields in an externally described data structure follow the layout of an existing file—the subfields in the data structure have the same names, locations, and data attributes as the record format.”}]] Read More 

SQL 101: DDL Recap-Seeing Things from a Whole New View (Pun Intended)

​[[{“value”:”Let’s start with the database-complexity issue: Even in our simple database, it’s not very practical to include the same INNER JOIN lines on every single SELECT statement to establish the appropriate connections between tables.
Now that I have (and I hope you have, too, assuming you read the previous article of this series ) created all the tables on the UMADB_CHP3 schema, including their primary keys, it’s time to simplify data access.”}]] Read More 

Nagios Monitoring Chris Hird

​There has been a lot going on with the Nagios monitoring solution over the past few months so I thought it was time to update everyone. IBM stops support. IBM has sunset support for their Read More 

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