[[{“value”:”Welcome to February! Punxsutawney Phil has predicted six more weeks of winter after being awakened from his slumber and seeing his shadow in the western Pennylvania town that is the adjective of the groundhog’s formal name. But, then again, don’t be too upset about the lingering winter. This furry prognosticator is only right 39 percent of the time, which is a little bit worse than flipping a coin.
Frankly, the best supercomputers in the world can’t predict the weather, either, because the conditions are changing faster than the models. . . so there is that.
We can predict with near …
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Coding in RPG (IBM i/AS400). Using DB2 for i to Export Data in different formats. Christian Larsen
[[{“value”:”#IBMi #DB2fori #RPGProgramming #IBMiDevelopment #AS400 #Codefori #VSCode #SQL #CSV #JSON #COMMON #DatabaseExport #IBMiTips #DataHandling #IBMChampion
2:20 Exporting data to JSON format”}]] Read More
Does Your IT Budget Reflect The World At Large? Timothy Prickett Morgan
[[{“value”:”Sometimes, numbers are so large they become almost meaningless. If I say $1 trillion or $5 trillion to you, do you really have a sense of it except relatively to some other number in the same order of magnitude? You can feel the change, but you can’t feel the actual magnitude of the actual number?
It is with this in mind that we turn to the latest forecasts for IT spending from Gartner, which shows a slight acceleration in the rate of spending increase from 2024 to 2025, but ironically, shows the absolute figures for IT spending in those two …
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Izzi Throws Retiring IBM i Software Company Founders A Lifeline Alex Woodie
[[{“value”:”Founders of smaller IBM i and System z software vendors who are looking to sell their companies before they retire may want to check out a new venture called Izzi Software. In an interview with IT Jungle, the executives heading the startup explain that it has a mandate to spend millions of private equity dollars on acquiring midrange and mainframe ISVs that have solid products and businesses, but may not be big enough to attract M&A attention from bigger firms.
It’s no secret that the IBM i and System z communities tend toward the older side of the age …
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Once upon a time : Silverlake Common Europe Luxembourg
[[{“value”:”During the Fort Knox project, a skunkworks project was started at IBM Rochester by engineers who believed that Fort Knox’s failure was inevitable. These engineers developed code which allowed System/36 applications to run on top of the System/38, and when Fort Knox was cancelled, this skunkworks project evolved into an official project to replace both the System/36 and System/38 with a single new hardware platform. The project became known as Silverlake (named for Silver Lake in Rochester, Minnesota) and officially began in December 1985. The Silverlake hardware was essentially an evolution of the System/38 which reused some of the technology developed for the Fort Knox project.
Silverlake’s goal was to deliver a replacement for the System/36 and System/38 in as short of a timeframe as possible, as the Fort Knox project had stalled new product development at Rochester, leaving IBM without a competitive midrange system. On its launch in 1986, the System/370-compatible IBM 9370 was positioned as IBM’s preferred midrange platform, but failed to achieve the commercial success IBM hoped it would have. Much like Silverlake, the 9370 also reused the co-processor developed during the Fort Knox project as its main processor, and the same SPD I/O bus which was derived from the Series/1 bus.
Source : Wikipedia …”}]] Read More