Ordering PTFs automatically Andrea

​[[{“value”:”In the last post, we have seen how to manage defective PTFs automatically using SQL.Today, we will see how it’s easy to check current PTFs level directly from IBM servers. Let me say that is quite important to keep systems update, both in terms of version and PTFs. In this way you are able to
The post Ordering PTFs automatically appeared first on All4Power.”}]] Read More 

RPG Free and option(*convert) for paramters Roberto De Pedrini

​[[{“value”:”In his recent article “RPG Free and option *convert” , Aldo Succi explores the *CONVERT option in the RPG language, highlighting how this directive allows the compiler to automatically convert parameters passed to a procedure…
L’articolo RPG Free and option(*convert) for paramters proviene da BlogFaq400.”}]] Read More 

Coming To You Live In A Datacenter Very Near You, Or One Far Away, Too Ash Giddings

​[[{“value”:”We are at a pivotal moment in IBM i history regarding migration options. Public cloud solutions like IBM Power Virtual Server and Skytap on Azure have matured to the point where they are now viable for production workloads, shedding the novelty value that surrounded them during the era which coincided with the launch of IBM’s Power9 machines, to a lesser extent, Power10 iron.
Additionally, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) worldwide are well equipped with Power10 hardware and the expertise to support both migrations and ongoing operations. Furthermore, on-premise Power10 delivers impressive price-to-performance benefits, with Power11 poised to raise the bar even …
The post Coming To You Live In A Datacenter Very Near You, Or One Far Away, Too appeared first on IT Jungle.”}]] Read More 

TL Ashford Preps For Looming 2D Barcode Mandate Alex Woodie

​[[{“value”:”The humble barcode traces its roots to 1974, when a pack of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum was scanned into a System/370 mainframe at a market in Marsh, Ohio. Fast forward 51 years, and the retail industry is on the cusp of requiring a new generation of two-dimensional barcodes. TL Ashford is preparing to help IBM i shops comply with industry mandates around 2D barcodes, as well as to find creative ways to exploit the vast new data they contain.
The original Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode is composed of 30 vertical lines of varying width, which is sufficient for storing …
The post TL Ashford Preps For Looming 2D Barcode Mandate appeared first on IT Jungle.”}]] Read More 

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