Deleting objects in the IFS with a SQL scalar function [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​[[{“value”:”This post is a two-for-one where I will explain how two of the additions that came in the latest Technology Refreshes go together.
The first is a new scalar function IFS_UNLINK, which is found in the SYSTOOLS library, that deletes IFS objects that are passed to it as a parameter. Behind the scenes it calls the unlink() C API. The scalar function returns the integer value that is returned by the C API. If it completed successfully, IFS_UNLINK returns a value of zero. If there was an error the scalar function returns an errno value.
The second addition, ERRNO_INFO, which is also found in the SYSTOOLS library, is a Table function that will return the description of the errno passed to it.
The easiest way I know to be able to show you how it works is to show an example of using it.
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