Practical Middleware: Layering with JSON Joe Pluta

​[[{“value”:”In the last article, rather than accessing the database directly using SQL statements, I wrote an RPG program, accessed via an SQL function, to retrieve customer data. This provides a layer of abstraction between the JSON application (which will eventually communicate with our users) and the database itself. In more technical terms, we separated the model from the view. However, we did that using the old, reliable transport mechanism of a data structure, which isn’t exactly common outside the IBM i world. Today we’ll investigate a modern alternative.
By Joe Pluta
Quick Recap
In the previous version, the RPG program returned a data structure, which the calling Node.js program split apart and used to populate an object. This was meant to emulate how an SQL call returns each row as an object. We replaced the SQL statement with a call to our RPG program (via an SQL function), and then the Node.js application parsed that data based on the layout of the data structure in the RPG program. We ended up with a couple of programs tied to each other by hardcoded positions and lengths:”}]] Read More 

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