Retire: Strategic Elimination of Legacy IBM i Applications Profound Logic

​[[{“value”:”Explore how strategic retirement of IBM i applications can reduce technical debt and free resources for innovation. Learn how Profound AppEvo supports successful system decommissioning while maintaining business continuity.
The post Retire: Strategic Elimination of Legacy IBM i Applications appeared first on Profound Logic.”}]] Read More 

New SQL procedure to end multiple jobs [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​[[{“value”:”As part of the latest Technology Refresh, IBM i 7.5 TR5 and IBM i 7.4 TR11, comes a new SQL procedure easily end multiple jobs in one statement. This procedure is called END_JOBS, and it is found in the SYSTOOLS library.
This procedure has ten parameters, most of them will be familiar you if you know the End Job command, ENDJOB. The parameters are:

JOB_NAME_FILTER:  The unqualified job name, what I called the “short job name”. If not given the default is *ALL. CURRENT_USER_LIST_FILTER:  Up to ten user profiles, separated by a comma. The default is for all users.
SUBSYSTEM_LIST_FILTER:  Up to 25 subsystem names, separated by a comma. If not given them all subsystems are considered
END_OPTION:  Like the OPTION parameter in the ENDJOB command. The allowed values are CONTROLLED or IMMEDIATE. Controlled is the default.
END_CONTROLLED_DELAY:  Like the DELAY parameter of ENDJOB. If the END_OPTION in controlled then this is the number of seconds it waits before it ends the job.
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