What’s next for Code for #ibmi because I ain’t got a clue other than fixes. The obvious is a debugger but easier said than done. Love some thoughts or ideas
– Liam barry Allan (@notesofbarry)17:37 – Dec 26, 2021
What’s next for Code for #ibmi because I ain’t got a clue other than fixes. The obvious is a debugger but easier said than done. Love some thoughts or ideas
– Liam barry Allan (@notesofbarry)17:37 – Dec 26, 2021
Finding-efficiency-in-simplicityTo run new applications, it’s common for businesses to introduce a tangle of different operating systems, hosted by various physical and virtual machines, deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Before they know it, IT complexity and costs escalate, and they end up facing barriers to agility
Recording of the webinar can be found HERE
The presentation can be found HERE
Date: January 20th, 2022
Time: 14.00 – 15.00 Central European Time
Welcome to join us for a inspiring call / discussion where the following will/might be discussed:
A (very) short introduction to IBM (RISC Based) Power Servers
Why Oracle runs so good on IBM Power Servers
What did TietoEvry do to convince so many customers to move from x86 PC-servers
– The arguments that works
– The pain customers had before the move
– The quick wins etc.
When does EnterpriseDB make sense instead of Oracle?
Learn about the massive resources you have available from IBM to become successful with Oracle on Power.
And hopefully a few WOOW and YEEEAH will be delivered.
Join us and please engage with your own stories and questions
This session will cover, at a high level, many techniques for integrating Db2 and RPG workloads with almost anything. There will be particular emphasis on the recently announced HTTP functions in Db2. These functions enable HTTP requests to be made through simple SQL. The new functions are leaner, faster, and easier to use than their SYSTOOLS predecessors!
Db2 Web Query is the analytics family of products integrated with IBM i. In this session Doug Mack will cover options and considerations for deploying DASHBOARDS to the business or even for systems monitoring purposes that an IBM i Administrator might like! See the new DESIGNER, part of Version 2.3.0, and “Automated Insights” using AI/ML models in the cloud!