Talsco Weekly: ​IBM i Leadership: Stewards of Platform Growth​ patrick staudacher

​[[{“value”:”Welcome to another edition of Talsco Weekly IBM i Brief:  🏆 ​IBM Champions Program sees strong Power Systems representation​. 🔄 ​Hardware, Operating Systems, & Software: A Balancing Act​. AI:  ​The General Intelligence Tsunami​. Career:  📋 ​Historical Resume: A Career Game-Changer for IBM i Pros​. Development History:  ​System 360: RPG Debugging Template​. 💻 ​IBM revolutionized law
The post Talsco Weekly: ​IBM i Leadership: Stewards of Platform Growth​ appeared first on IBM i (AS/400, RPG) Recruiting, Staffing & Consulting.”}]] Read More 

Webinar: Scale and Modernise your IBM i Applications PaulR

​[[{“value”:”Tired of clunky 5250 green screens? Want to bring your IBM i applications into the modern web era, but dread the thought of a complete rewrite?  We’ve got good news. You can modernise your IBM i applications without massive overhauls using Presto from Fresche Solutions. Presto quickly creates modern, responsive web-based interfaces for your IBM
The post Webinar: Scale and Modernise your IBM i Applications appeared first on Proximity.”}]] Read More 

New QSHONI Commands: Integrate Python, PHP, Java with CL & RPG Richard Schoen

​[[{“value”:”A few years ago I introduced you to my QShell on i utility – QSHONI. QSHONI makes it easy for traditional CL, RPG, and COBOL programs to call Python utilities and other QShell/PASE utility programs (PHP, Node, Java, etc.) and directly use their output. QSHONI opened up a whole new world of integrations to open-source apps from traditional IBM i applications. I keep thinking I will run out of interesting things to add to the library, but the ideas keep on flowing. In this post I will update you on QSHPHPRUN, QSHCALL and QSHPYCALL, recently added features. As a primer for…
The post New QSHONI Commands: Integrate Python, PHP, Java with CL & RPG appeared first on Seiden Group.”}]] Read More 

IBM i Job Openings – 02/13/25 jmajorjr

​[[{“value”:”Found via LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/john-rockwell-all400s_ibmi-as400-iseries-activity-7296298326788898816-S4db?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&rcm=ACoAAAla_FUBYi1G_c_4kEWzx8yeZDQdc2Dp3UY
submitted by /u/jmajorjr[link][comments]”}]] Read More 

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