Up Your Power Game with IBM Power Virtual Server (IaaS) and PowerHA ROHA MrPowerHA

​Watch James Up his Power Game with IBM Power Virtual Server Infrastructure As a Service (IaaS). James is running low on resources in the datacenter and needs to deploy a new database. He learns about the ability to deploy new instances on Power Systems hardware in cloud datacenters using IBM’s Power Virtual Server IaaS offering. He also learns about the newly added capability to cluster his workloads with the PowerHA SystemMirror software and how to leverage the new integrated Resource Optimized High Availability (ROHA) cluster feature. This allows him to start deploying new VMs right away while optimizing his resource utilization and reducing his license costs. For a full feature demonstration check out:https://mediacenter.ibm.com/media/IBM+Power+Virtual+Server+%26+PowerHA+SystemMirror+fo[%E2%80%A6]+Resource+Optimized+High+Availability+%28ROHA%29/1_1yaimb0e Read More 

Sequel | Overcome BI Obstacle’s with Sequel’s Viewpoint Scripts Fortra

​With a Viewpoint script, you can use data from multiple databases, create a sequence of steps combined into one program, and add dynamic and logic-based components to your script.
Viewpoint Scripts are one of the most versatile tools in your Sequel toolbox – and understanding how to use them will allow you to extract insights from even the most complex data. Read More 

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