016 Geospatial Revolution: Exploring the Powerhouse Duo of IBM i and Watson

​016 Today we have a genuinely remarkable guest joining us. Please welcome Sarah Mackenzie, a Senior Developer from IBM who has helped to spearhead an extraordinary geospatial project that showcases the unparalleled collaboration between IBM i and Watson. Sarah’s expertise in geospatial analysis and harnessing the power of Watson brings forth a compelling journey into the limitless possibilities of location-based intelligence.Through the integration of IBM i and Watson, Sarah has unlocked the true potential of geospatial data, providing businesses with actionable insights and transformative opportunities. We’ll explore the fascinating fusion of IBM i and Watson, unveiling its profound impact on geospatial analysis.Sarah Mackenzie, Senior Software Engineer, IBM Email: [email protected]://www.mcpressonline.com/analytics-cognitive/db2/tech-tip-getting-started-with-geospatial-datahttps://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/7.4?topic=database-geospatial-analyticsOne incredible Th(i)ng!  Products, gadgets, recipes, music or things we are loving right now.Sarah’s pick for this week:Learning to play the guitar!Peg’s pick for this week:Summer road trips with the family!Upcoming EVENTS:COMMON Europe Congress 2023 in Prague!SHOW SPONSORS:COMMONMidrange Dynamics Change Management Software – Built for IBM i modernization!Be sure to check out our website, LinkedIn page and like and subscribe – all those things!Interested in sharing your IBM i story?  Want to sponsor the podcast?  We want to hear from you!  Reach out to Peg.Email: [email protected] Read More 

IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 25, Number 23 Doug Bidwell

​It’s a little more quiet in this issue of the IBM i PTF Guide than it was last time, which is a good thing and which ran on Monday. We will start off with two more security vulnerabilities, one with Rational Developer for i and the other for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty edition.
First, we have Security Bulletin: IBM Rational Developer for i is vulnerable to attacker obtaining sensitive information due to Java string processing in IBM Toolbox for Java (CVE-2022-43928), which you can find out more about here. Here are the affected releases:
Affected Product(s) Version(s)

The post IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 25, Number 23 appeared first on IT Jungle. Read More 

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