How often to IPL? | IBM i Global

​The catch was basically you should reduce IPLs for PTF’s, etc.
If there’s an incident, and management finds out that you were notified by IBM notifications and you didn’t put on the patch, are you going under the bus? Read More 

A Recap of IBM Think 2023 About the author

​anniversary of IBM i by reaffirming its commitment to the legacy Power server-based operating system, expanding its functionality with Technology Refreshes and offering new subscription licensing options.
IBM’s Will and Sundt underscored that cloud offering options for the IBM i and other Power server operating system platforms continues to grow. Read More 

@tappehl: Torbjörn Appehl Retweeted @DawnMayiCan: Exciting news! The #IBMi IFS Bootcamp, available to all members of #commonug, is now available! Not a member of COMMON?… @tappehl

​Exciting news! The #IBMi IFS Bootcamp, available to all members of #commonug, is now available! Not a member of COMMON? Join today and gain access to great online content by simply being a member.You can find the IFS Bootca…— Dawn May (@DawnMayiCan) May 22, 2023 Read More 

May newsletter out now Sue Armitage

​This month we’re super excited to share our new look website, the new functionality in Cookie 7 & 8, as well as the release of…
The post May newsletter out now appeared first on Original Software. Read More 

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