replacement for 5770-XH2 iAccess for Web? infinity874

​It appears IBM is no longer supporting the iAccess for Web product as of September 2023. Is there a replacment product? Not a 5250 specific web interface, but the other functions that iAccess for Web provided that allowed our web based iseries applications to integrate with the iaccess functions (like printer output, jobs, etc.). submitted by /u/infinity874[link][comments] Read More 

ADMIN4 Job Terminates Suddenly When A User Profile Without *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG Authority Accesses the IBM Web Administration GUI

​After upgrading to IBM i 7.5 SF99952 level 5, IBM i 7.4 SF99662 level 25, or IBM i 7.3 SF99722 level 42; the ADMIN4 application server job will terminate suddenly when an IBM i user profile without *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authority accesses the IBM Web Administration for i GUI web application. IBM development is aware of this issue and has released the following PTF to prevent the ADMIN4 JVM job from terminating in this scenario. IBM recommends all IBM i OS clients ensure this 5770SS1 PTF is applied if you have applied one of the IBM i HTTP Group PTF levels listed above.
IBM i 7.5 – SI82677
IBM i 7.4 – SI82679
IBM i 7.3 – SI82681
The above PTFs are included in the following IBM i HTTP Group PTF levels:
SF99952 level 6
SF99662 level 27
SF99722 level 44 Read More 

Security Bulletin: IBM Db2 Web Query for i is vulnerable to attacker obtaining sensitive information due to Java string processing in IBM Toolbox for Java (CVE-2022-43928)

​Db2 Web Query uses the IBM Toolbox for Java to access IBM i interfaces. IBM Toolbox for Java could allow sensitive information stored as Java strings to be obtained by an attacker as described in the vulnerability details section. Db2 Web Query has addressed the vulnerability with a fix as described in the remediation/fixes section. Read More 

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