#sponsored Solutions Directory Spotlight: Since 1999, @CMFirstGroup has served the #IBMi and #IBMz communities. CM First builds the most reliable, rapid and cost-effective software tools to optimize and transform applications. Discover their products: TechChannel (@TechChannelHQ)

​#sponsored Solutions Directory Spotlight: Since 1999, @CMFirstGroup has served the #IBMi and #IBMz communities. CM First builds the most reliable, rapid and cost-effective software tools to optimize and transform applications. Discover their products: hubs.ly/Q01JyJF00 pic.twitter.com/QXgX6z0pni- TechChannel (@TechChannelHQ)07:13 – Mar 30, 2023 Read More 

Check out our new milestone V15.0.2 02/22/2023 remainsoftware.com

​Flexible Job Descriptions.
After the installation of this milestone, the NORMAL and FAST job descriptions have been converted to new logic. You are now able to add new Job Descriptions using the STRJDM command.
This system enables you to define default job descriptions at every step in the workflow using an inheritance chain. You can add and override job descriptions at various different levels. Read More 

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