…#customerwin #LaserVaultViTL #IBMi Thanks Storage Newsletter!- LaserVault (@LVBackup)14:39 – Apr 03, 2023 Read More
Upcoming Event: POWERUp 2023! Britney Johnson
When: April 24-27Where: Denver, COWebsite: Home – POWERUp 2023 ( It’s that time of year again! April 24-27, the COMMON community will be together for an in-person event. As seen on their website: “enjoy learning high quality IBM education, networking with peers, industry experts and solutions providers, and growing together as a whole.” Arbor Solutions…
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The post Upcoming Event: POWERUp 2023! appeared first on Arbor Solutions. Read More
Coverting RPG IV to RPGLE FREE dirthawger
I’ve been tasked with learning ibm i and rpgle but I’m don’t have very much guidance.
I’m just bored as hell and rewriting rpg iv code sounded like a way to kill time, but is it beneficial to do it? Read More
009 IBM i Modernization: Leveraging Microservices for Scalability and Agility with Niels Liisberg
009 In this episode, we have a special guest Niels Liisberg, an expert in cloud computing and microservices for the IBM i platform.With over a decade of experience in the IT industry and a passion for modernizing legacy applications, Niels has helped numerous organizations leverage the power of cloud and microservices to build innovative and scalable applications.We discuss the latest trends in microservices and explore how these technologies can help IBM i developers stay competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced business environment. Niels Liisberg, IBM Champion, CEAC member, and speakerEmail: [email protected] examples: from Niels: project (Microservices for the ILE environment) some inspiration using SQL can be found on my “gist”: Where you can find the “source to git” example: incredible Th(i)ng! Products, gadgets, recipes, music or things we are loving right now.Niels’s pick for this week:Snowboarding vacation in the Alps! Peg’s pick for this week:Staub ceramic baking dish set. So cool!!Upcoming EVENTS:POWERUp2023, Denver, CO April 24-27, 2023NEUGC, Westborough, MA May 8-10, 2023LISUG, Jericho, NY May 24, 2024SHOW SPONSORS:COMMONMidrange Dynamics Change Management Software – Built for IBM i modernization!Be sure to check out our website, LinkedIn page and like and subscribe – all those things! Interested in sharing your IBM i story? Want to sponsor the podcast? We want to hear from you! Reach out to Peg. Email: [email protected] Read More
009 IBM i Modernization: Leveraging Microservices for Scalability and Agility with Niels Liisberg
009 In this episode, we have a special guest Niels Liisberg, an expert in cloud computing and microservices for the IBM i platform.With over a decade of experience in the IT industry and a passion for modernizing legacy applications, Niels has helped numerous organizations leverage the power of cloud and microservices to build innovative and scalable applications.We discuss the latest trends in microservices and explore how these technologies can help IBM i developers stay competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced business environment. Niels Liisberg, IBM Champion, CEAC member, and speakerEmail: [email protected] examples: from Niels: project (Microservices for the ILE environment) some inspiration using SQL can be found on my “gist”: Where you can find the “source to git” example: incredible Th(i)ng! Products, gadgets, recipes, music or things we are loving right now.Niels’s pick for this week:Snowboarding vacation in the Alps! Peg’s pick for this week:Staub ceramic baking dish set. So cool!!Upcoming EVENTS:POWERUp2023, Denver, CO April 24-27, 2023NEUGC, Westborough, MA May 8-10, 2023LISUG, Jericho, NY May 24, 2024SHOW SPONSORS:COMMONMidrange Dynamics Change Management Software – Built for IBM i modernization!Be sure to check out our website, LinkedIn page and like and subscribe – all those things! Interested in sharing your IBM i story? Want to sponsor the podcast? We want to hear from you! Reach out to Peg. Email: [email protected] Read More