009 IBM i Modernization: Leveraging Microservices for Scalability and Agility with Niels Liisberg

​009 In this episode, we have a special guest Niels Liisberg, an expert in cloud computing and microservices for the IBM i platform.With over a decade of experience in the IT industry and a passion for modernizing legacy applications, Niels has helped numerous organizations leverage the power of cloud and microservices to build innovative and scalable applications.We discuss the latest trends in microservices and explore how these technologies can help IBM i developers stay competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced business environment. Niels Liisberg, IBM Champion, CEAC member, and speakerEmail: [email protected] examples: https://github.com/NielsLiisberg/Spring-boot-JPA-IBMi https://github.com/NielsLiisberg/Python-FastAPI-demo https://github.com/sitemule/ILEastic/blob/master/examples/noxdbMicro.rpgleExamples from Niels: https://github.com/NielsLiisbergSitemule project (Microservices for the ILE environment) https://github.com/sitemule/ILEastic https://github.com/sitemule/noxDBAlso some inspiration using SQL can be found on my “gist”:https://gist.github.com/NielsLiisberg Where you can find the “source to git” example:https://github.com/sitemule/ILEastic/blob/master/examples/noxdbMicro.rpgleOne incredible Th(i)ng!  Products, gadgets, recipes, music or things we are loving right now.Niels’s pick for this week:Snowboarding vacation in the Alps! Peg’s pick for this week:Staub ceramic baking dish set. So cool!!Upcoming EVENTS:POWERUp2023, Denver, CO April 24-27, 2023NEUGC, Westborough, MA May 8-10, 2023LISUG, Jericho, NY May 24, 2024SHOW SPONSORS:COMMONMidrange Dynamics Change Management Software – Built for IBM i modernization!Be sure to check out our website, LinkedIn page and like and subscribe – all those things! Interested in sharing your IBM i story?  Want to sponsor the podcast?  We want to hear from you!  Reach out to Peg. Email: [email protected] Read More 

Coding in RPG (IBM i/AS400). Overloading procedures. Christian Larsen

​In this RPG example video, I’m showing you an example of how you can overload a procedure. With this option, you can call different procedures, just using a single name, and the compiler will redirect the call to the correct procedure, depending on the input parameters.Please leave your comments below!#ibmi #ibm #rpg #rpgle #rpgfree #newvideo #ibmtraining #ibmcoding #rpgtraining #as400 #common Read More 

Presentations in April 2023 Simon Hutchinson

​This month I get to talk to a second non-USA based IBM i Local User Group, LUG, and you can meet and see me present at COMMON’s PowerUp in Denver:
Friday April 19 @ 7:00 AM ( EDT ) with the Toronto User Group for Power Systems (TUG, Canada): Temporal Tables . Read More 

A screen a story – The Run SQL Scripts bottom bar Rudi van Helvoirt

​If IBM is following the same schedule as it did the previous years, it is fair to say that a new version of IBM i Access Client Solution (ACS) is waiting just around the corner. April was in the past the month, in which a new ACS version was released as a part of a
The post A screen a story – The Run SQL Scripts bottom bar appeared first on PowerWire.eu. Read More 

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