If you are thinking of sponsoring and taking place in our great Expo area during Common Europe Congress in June, please hurry up to make up your mind. We are running out of space.. #comeur2023 #ibmi #ibmpower #ibmaix #linuxonpower pic.twitter.com/PLk3WqCfCG- COMMON Europe (@CommonEurope)23:34 – Apr 01, 2023 Read More
In SQL, can you create an index with JOIN’s? (midrange-l) #IBMi midrange.com (@midrangecom)
In SQL, can you create an index with JOIN’s? archive.midrange.com/midrange-l/202… (midrange-l) #IBMi- midrange.com (@midrangecom)05:19 – Apr 02, 2023 Read More
Booby Trapping IBM i – Silent Signal Techblog
As with most modern relational database management systems, it is possible to create database triggers that can be configured to execute actions when specific events occur.
The command to add triggers to physical files is ADDPFTRG, which requires at least the following authorities to work (for more details see the linked documentation): Read More
Recording and slide deck of SAP on IBM i December webcast (“Release Updates for Spring 2023”) available for download Christian Bartels
In our SAP on IBM i Webcast “Release Updates for Spring 2023” on March 29th, 2023, we introduced the new SAP kernel release 7.54 and explained the meaning and use of the profile parameters that have been available for some time but got their defaults changed with the new kernel … Read More
replacement for 5770-XH2 iAccess for Web? infinity874
It appears IBM is no longer supporting the iAccess for Web product as of September 2023. Is there a replacment product? Not a 5250 specific web interface, but the other functions that iAccess for Web provided that allowed our web based iseries applications to integrate with the iaccess functions (like printer output, jobs, etc.). submitted by /u/infinity874[link][comments] Read More