Valence Developer Diaries #018 – The New “local data” feature for grids and edit grids!

In this session Sean and Johnny demonstrated two new features in Valence 6: “local data” just introduced for grids and edit grids and the update to the NAB RPG button program. Please write any suggestions you have for future content in the comments below, and please like and subscribe! 1:38 – Going over the widgets created prior to the session: edit grid and form 2:00 – Edit Grid – overview of the new option under the Data section called “Local” 3:45 – Creating a new NAB app using the form and edit grid widgets 4:55 – Adding a button to app section in NAB Behaviors 5:15 – Setting up a button action as – “Call an RPG Program” 6:10 – Creating orders for existing customers in the NAB App – Locally 8:53 – Reviewing the NAB app frontend and backend 9:40 – Comparison of the ways data was handled previously and currently in NAB with the usage of “Local” 11:00 – Reviewing the RPG, new settings in Valence NAB 14:00 – SetResponse, SetWidget
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