⁦@koen_decorte⁩ @CommonBelgium⁩ and CD-Invest telling the JORI customer story. What an impressive use of #IBMi for production, website already in 1996, administration, CRM, customer configuring furniture on-line, everything they need ⁦@IBMChampions⁩ Ranga Deshpande (@RangaDesh)

​⁦@koen_decorte⁩ @CommonBelgium⁩ and CD-Invest telling the JORI customer story. What an impressive use of #IBMi for production, website already in 1996, administration, CRM, customer configuring furniture on-line, everything they need ⁦@IBMChampions⁩ pic.twitter.com/3nc2zjBsIG- Ranga Deshpande (@RangaDesh)02:10 – Mar 13, 2023 Read More 

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