
​The QSHBASH command passes through the selected”,” command line to the bash command with: bash -c “,” This is a convenience wrapper ovewr QSHEXEC to keep from having”,” to type bash -c when you want to run bash commands.”,”V1.0.4 – 3/3/2021 “,”-Added IFSSTDOUT option to QSHEXEC to copy stdout to IFS file.
See sample script: “`pycallparl1.py“ on the”,” GitHub site.”,” Example STDOUT value: “RETURNPARM01:I am return value 1″”,” Would return: “I am return value 1″ to the QSHPYCALL command”,” return parameter 1.”,” QSHPYCALL is mainly a convenience wrapper for RPG/CL/COBOL developers”,” who might want to do some quick work in Python and return it for”,” use in their RPG/CL/COBOL programs. Read More 

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