Thoroughly Modern: The Mid-Year Check – Accelerating IT Projects and Modernization for the Second Half of the Year Christine McDowell

​Summer is the ideal time to reflect on your IT and technology goals for the remainder of 2023 and look ahead to 2024, envisioning the possibilities in front of you.
A mid-year reset can be a game-changer for effective time management and goal achievement. By reflecting on your accomplishments, revisiting your objectives and taking action, you can set yourself up for success in the coming months.
Sharing some resources and updates that can help you get a jump on projects before business ramps up in September.
IT Leadership Educational Series
Earlier this year Fresche hosted an IT Executive Series providing …
The post Thoroughly Modern: The Mid-Year Check – Accelerating IT Projects and Modernization for the Second Half of the Year appeared first on IT Jungle. Read More 

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