Validating an email address Simon Hutchinson

​If this was going to be something that could be used from multiple programs it made sense to put the logic in a procedure that I can then bind into any programs that needs this functionality.
RPGPGM01 : A *PGM that needs to call the procedure to validate various email addresses Read More 

Node20 on IBM i Andy Youens

​It is time to get back to Node.js on the IBM i.  Node.js v20 is the latest version of this great programming language.  Please note that Node.js v14 moved out of support from April 2023, so time for you all to upgrade, and what should you upgrade to? My recommendation is going to be Node.js The post Node20 on IBM i appeared first on Read More 

Generating QR codes on IBMi

​Please guide on how to get started generating QR codes on IBMi in a COBOL ILE/RPG ILE or Java environment.
Please guide on how to get started generating QR codes on IBMi in a COBOL ILE/RPG ILE or Java environment. Read More 

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