Constant keyword added to RPG definitions [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​[[{“value”:”As part of the latest Technology Refreshes, IBM i 7.5 TR4 and 7.4 TR10, comes an addition to the variable and data structure definitions. It is now possible to use the constant keyword as part of those definitions to protect them from being changed.
Why would I want to do that?
There are times I want to use a variable, rather than a constant. It might be to contain a date. I would not want this to be changed, either on purpose or by accident.
Below is an example:

01 **free
02 dcl-s StartDate date inz(*sys) const ;
03 dsply StartDate ;
04 StartDate = d’2024-07-04′ ;

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SQL 101: DDL Recap-Improving Our Basic SQL Tables, Part 1

​[[{“value”:”Now that we have basic SQL tables that are still RPG-friendly, let’s start to make them more recognizable (and usable) for non-RPG developers by adding some typical SQL features, like keys, default values for optional columns, etc.
SQL can specify unique keys that are generated by the database engine.”}]] Read More 

July’s presentations Simon Hutchinson

​[[{“value”:”I will be the speaker of the July meeting of the Central Texas IBM i User Group, CTXiUG .
Later this month I will be attending and presenting at one of my favorite conference’s, OCEAN user group’s TechCon24.”}]] Read More 

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