Modernize RPG400 to RPG ILE FREE and PF to SQL – 3 – RPG Modernize to RPG Freeformat Nick Litten

​Time to dive into the existing RPG400 (Column Based Old Style RPG) and set it FREE. This means using Visual Studio Code, and the Code4i plugin, to automatically upgrade the old legacy code style to modern free format RPG ILE. This does a pretty good job easily upgrading 90% of the code – so come with me while I walk through the code base and manually fix the few lines it couldnt automatically handle.SPOILER ALERT – don’t laugh at me when I make RPG conversion mistakes. They are deliberate. Honest ;) Read More 

Modernize RPG400 to RPG ILE FREE and PF to SQL – 2 – A Beginners guide to RPG 400 Compile and Test Nick Litten

​Let’s take a deep dive into this RPG400 program to try and figure out how it works. This will mean looking at the file and display setting to understand the relationship with the RPG code. We are going through it line by line to understand it, compile it and test it.After that… then we can look at upgrading the code to modern FREE FORMAT RPG and upgrade the physical file to an SQL TABLE.Put on your dive mask… and dive in! Read More 

Upgrade from PF to SQL with IBM i RPG Code Modernization Nick Litten

​Come with me, while I play with someone else’s old RPG400 code which performs a *PF file update and allows paging forward and backward through the data… then we will refactor that old ISERIES COLUMN BASED RPG to modern IBM i RPG ILE Freeformat and test it.Assuming that works… then we will upgrade the *PF to an *SQL TABLE and prove that it works with the program without needing any recompiles.Sounds like a fun Friday evening 😉 Read More 

Sending Emails – No Attachment issues here!

​[[{“value”:”Tim Rowe is the Business Architect for IBM i responsible for System Management and Application Development.
Scott Forstie is a Senior Technical Staff Member within IBM i development and spends most of his time working as the Db2 for i Business Architect.”}]] Read More 

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