IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 27, Numbers 3 And 4 Doug Bidwell

​[[{“value”:”We are finally getting back into synch between The Four Hundred and the IBM i PTF Guide, and with this week’s issue numbers 3 and 4, you will be all caught up.
In Number 3, dated January 18, we note that IBM has put out the latest service pack 950.D0 for system firmware levels VL950, VM950, and VH950, which you can read all about here. The updates are available for the following Power9 machines:

Power System S914 (9009-41G)
Power System E950 (9040-MR9)
Power System E980 (9080-M9S)
Power System H922 (9223-22H)
Power System H922 (9223-22S)
Power System H924 (9223-42H)

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