Comparing differences between objects in two IFS directories [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​[[{“value”:”While it has been possible to compare the contents of two directories in the IFS it has not been, well, simple. A new addition to Db2 for i, SQL, in the latest round of Technology Refreshes, IBM i 7.5 TR4 and IBM i 7.4 TR10. Makes it a whole lot, well, easier.
The new SQL Table function, COMPARE_IFS uses the output from the Table functions IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS and IFS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGES to compare the objects in two IFS directories to one another. It will only check the following object types:

Character special files, *CHRSF
Directories, *DIR
Name pipes, *FIFO
Local sockets, *SOCKET
Stream files, *STMF
Symbolic links, *SYMLNK

I created two subfolders within my home directory, /home/MyDir, called subdir1 and subdir2. I uploaded some files into each one. Some were the same files, others were different files, and some files had the same names but different contents.
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