RT @samuelholder: I built an #autonomousbot with @HelpSystemsMN @automate to ingest a daily @VisitPay file to update hundreds of patient ac…

HelpSystems (@HelpSystemsMN) retweeted:

I built an #autonomousbot with @HelpSystemsMN @automate to ingest a daily @VisitPay file to update hundreds of patient accounts in @MEDITECH – today marks 5 days in a row of full #automation – couldn’t be more excited! #healthcareIT #consultant @TegriaTogether

– samuelholder (@samuelholder)14:41 – May 14, 2022

@JanssonSven We also have partitioned some of our #SQL tables (because of exceeding both the size limit of 1.7 TB and the row limit of 4.2 billion), and we also experience excellent performance using the partitioned tables. 🙏 And congratulations on your new assignment! 👍 #IBMi.

@JanssonSven We also have partitioned some of our #SQL tables (because of exceeding both the size limit of 1.7 TB and the row limit of 4.2 billion), and we also experience excellent performance using the partitioned tables. 🙏

And congratulations on your new assignment! 👍#IBMi.

– Christian Jørgensen (@ChrJorgensen) (in reply to JanssonSven)05:10 – May 16, 2022

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