Today a high profile person in the IBM community told me the newsletter i produce everyday has done more to spread news about IBM technologies than IBM has done themselves in 10 years.. I understand it is “slight exaggeration” but it still nice to hear.

Today a high profile person in the IBM community told me the newsletter i produce everyday has done more to spread news about IBM technologies than IBM has done themselves in 10 years.. I understand it is “slight exaggeration” but it still nice to hear.

– Torbjörn Appehl (@tappehl)06:02 – May 13, 2022

Learn how Autogrill modernized their legacy systems to provide secure access to their core data for better visibility and actionable information for their supply chain. #innovation #API #IBMi

Learn how Autogrill modernized their legacy systems to provide secure access to their core data for better visibility and actionable information for their supply chain.
#legacymodernization #innovation #API #IBMi

– OpenLegacy (@openlegacy)04:52 – May 13, 2022

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