Yay, Merlin 🧙‍♂️ for #IBMi has finally been announced! No more NDA 😅 This is an excellent partnership between IBM and @arcad_software and it’s been exciting to contribute to this project. I’m looking forward to seeing it go live now 🤞

Yay, Merlin 🧙‍♂️ for #IBMi has finally been announced! No more NDA 😅 This is an excellent partnership between IBM and @arcad_software and it’s been exciting to contribute to this project. I’m looking forward to seeing it go live now 🤞

– Seb J. (@SebJulliand)06:04 – May 03, 2022

Today IBM announce IBM i V7R5 and with it a few new features and a subscription model. Some features are cool. Here is the summary of what we Developers care about. Note that even through RPG wasn’t included in the Memo to Users under the App Dev Updates,…

Today IBM announce IBM i V7R5 and with it a few new features and a subscription model. Some features are cool. Here is the summary of what we Developers care about. Note that even through RPG wasn’t included in the Memo to Users under the App Dev Updates,…lnkd.in/gYgnWJVC

– SQL iQuery for #IBMi (@sqliquery)05:46 – May 03, 2022

So great to see all happy and proud #ibmi community members seeing their request for enhancements to become available in 7.5 (and TR for 7.4). Isn’t this the best combination? A strong community providing innovative ideas but let someone else do the hard work and support (IBM) :)

So great to see all happy and proud #ibmi community members seeing their request for enhancements to become available in 7.5 (and TR for 7.4). Isn’t this the best combination? A strong community providing innovative ideas but let someone else do the hard work and support (IBM) 🙂

– Torbjörn Appehl (@tappehl)22:54 – May 03, 2022

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