@Comap_Fr has chosen us to migrate its #ERP @Infor M3 under #IBMi, used to to manage its operations. We will now be in charge of its hosting and 24/7 operational management via our private #cloud ☁️ 👉

@Comap_Fr has chosen us to migrate its #ERP @Infor M3 under #IBMi, used to to manage its operations. We will now be in charge of its hosting and 24/7 operational management via our private #cloud ☁️

👉 ow.ly/whPr50IPvVo pic.twitter.com/6tvKruGWJz

– Hardis Group (@HardisGroup) (in reply to Comap_Fr)02:45 – Apr 22, 2022

@jhamby The name of the operating system you are looking for is #ibmi way cooler than the AS/400 was back in the stone age. But you are correct, you can still run your programs since the early 1970s on the latest #power10 based servers around. Plus open source, plus AI/ML etc.

@jhamby The name of the operating system you are looking for is #ibmi way cooler than the AS/400 was back in the stone age. But you are correct, you can still run your programs since the early 1970s on the latest #power10 based servers around. Plus open source, plus AI/ML etc.

– Torbjörn Appehl (@tappehl) (in reply to jhamby)02:33 – Apr 22, 2022

with Frederic Clement He gets it, while most IBM i people sadly probably unaware. #authenticmodernizationonibmi #datacentriconibmi #rpgunleashed #ibmi #db2fori #dataquality #dataqualitymanagement #datamanagement #datascience #da…

with Frederic Clement

He gets it, while most IBM i people sadly probably unaware.#authenticmodernizationonibmi #datacentriconibmi #rpgunleashed #ibmi #db2fori #dataquality #dataqualitymanagement
#datamanagement #datascience #dalnkd.in/d-kQhXts lnkd.in/dkgEVf6a

– Marinus van Sandwyk (@Mbogo333)01:16 – Apr 22, 2022

What’s valuable is things we ISVs can’t do, like a native GUI, more exposure of the OS internals via actual APIs (not “Web API”), Compilers developed in this Century, limitations in database and object size lifted or removed and (for ISVs) access to the marketplace.

What’s valuable is things we ISVs can’t do, like a native GUI, more exposure of the OS internals via actual APIs (not “Web API”), Compilers developed in this Century, limitations in database and object size lifted or removed and (for ISVs) access to the marketplace.

– SQL iQuery for #IBMi (@sqliquery) (in reply to sqliquery)09:28 – Apr 23, 2022

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