IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 23, Number 31

In this edition of the IBM i PTF Guide, we want to remind you once again that when you go to Fix Central at IBM to download PTFs to patch your IBM i operating systems and related systems software, you must use an encrypted variant of FTP to do so – that’s FTPS or SFTP, depending – as of July 10. If you follow all of the links starting with the Fix Central homepage, you will eventually get to this link right here, which tells you how to configure SFTP on your machine. We interpret this to mean that

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Guru: Elapsed Time For Human Beings

Quick! Think of a weird animal! Perhaps you thought of the platypus, a duck-billed mammal that lays eggs. Maybe Dr. Doolittle’s pushmi-pullyu jumped to mind. Maybe you thought of a politician or a musician or your next-door neighbor. I know a weird animal that you probably didn’t think of.

The weird animal I have in mind is called the duration. This animal is found in SQL queries. There are three species: timestamp, date, and time. Today I write about the challenges of interacting with this strange entity. I’ll use the timestamp duration as an example. Interacting with date

The post Guru: Elapsed Time For Human Beings appeared first on IT Jungle.

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