Keeping your old #IBMi #RPGcode poses many risks! Here are just a few ways maintaining #LegacyCode is holding you back: ? RPG can be vulnerable ☁️ With RPG you’re not cloud-ready ? And RPG is too slow to keep up with business demands Let’s get started:

Keeping your old #IBMi #RPGcode poses many risks! Here are just a few ways maintaining #LegacyCode is holding you back:
? RPG can be vulnerable
☁️ With RPG you’re not cloud-ready
? And RPG is too slow to keep up with business demands
Let’s get started:

– Profound Logic (@ProfoundLogic)10:01 – Dec 13, 2021

An update on the Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability – IBM PSIRT Blog

Dec 12, 2021 9:10 pm EST

Categorized: Critical Severity

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IBM is actively responding to the reported remote code execution vulnerability in the Apache Log4j 2 Java library dubbed Log4Shell (or LogJam). We are investigating and taking action for IBM as an enterprise, IBM products and IBM services that may be potentially impacted, and will continually publish information to help customers detect, investigate and mitigate attacks, if any, to their IBM products and services.


IBM Enterprise
IBM is continuing to inventory our products and systems potentially impacted by the vulnerability. As necessary, we are updating to Log4j version 2.15, which fixes the vulnerability, and applying mitigations in the interim, even in cases where additional control layers such as network controls and web application firewalls have prevented exploitation of this vulnerability.


IBM Software and Systems Products
IBM is continuing a product-by-product analysis for Log4j impacts. If an IBM Software or Systems product is impacted, there will be a bulletin posted on this blog as a remediation or fix becomes available. Such on-premise IBM products will then have to be updated by the customer.


IBM Consulting 
IBM Consulting will continue to work directly with its clients in support of the remediation of custom applications and services through its normal delivery center and platform support processes.


IBM Security

The IBM X-Force team of hackers, responders, researchers, intelligence analysts and investigators are actively engaged in the response to Log4jShell. Detection and Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) for IBM Security tools are being published on the 

IBM X-Force Exchange


The IBM Managed Security Services (MSS) organization also is reviewing all systems to eliminate the vulnerability. The team is tracking patch releases for impacted platforms that IBM Security Services manages. Clients may see Security Advisory tickets and requests to patch managed devices in the MSS portal.


Assistance for customers suspecting potential compromise also is available 24/7 via IBM Security X-Force’s US hotline 


 | Global hotline (+001) 




IBM Cloud and as-a-Service Products
For IBM Cloud services, IBM is remediating managed as-a-service Cloud offerings as applicable, even in cases where additional control layers such as network controls and web application firewalls have prevented exploitation of this vulnerability.


Clients of IBM Cloud’s Classic and VPC Virtual Machine services are responsible for remediating any Log4j vulnerabilities in code running inside those Virtual Machines. IBM Cloud based virtual machine images and package repositories are being updated wherever they contain the vulnerable code.


For the portion of IBM Cloud services using Java technologies, IBM is continuing to assess and remediate any remaining services using Log4j and validate that mitigating controls remain effective.


IBM’s recommendations to its clients:

At this time, IBM recommends organizations running Apache Log4j take the following actions: 

Check for vulnerable versions of Apache Log4j in your environments and applications.Implement latest patch to production environments as soon as possible. Monitor IBM PSIRT for security bulletinsMonitor for vendor patches as they become available

Reference material can be found at the 

Apache.orgLog4j Security Vulnerability



IBM X-Force also has provided an analysis of the Log4j vulnerability, which can be found on the

IBM Security Intelligence blog



Per the Apache Log4j security vulnerability advisory, the following temporary mitigations may provide interim protection for clients who are unable to upgrade Log4j in their workloads quickly: 


In releases >=2.10, this behavior can be mitigated by setting either the system property log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups or the environment variable LOG4J_FORMAT_MSG_NO_LOOKUPS to true. For releases from 2.0-beta9 to 2.10.0, the mitigation is to remove the JndiLookup class from the classpath: zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class. 


Users of IBM’s Cloud Internet Services, powered by Cloudflare, may use the Web Application Firewall feature to mitigate attacks against their own workloads hosted in IBM Cloud, by detecting and blocking requests that attempt to exploit the vulnerability. More details are available at


IBM recommends that users of IBM Cloud’s firewall services, including Fortigate, Juniper vSRX, Security Groups, and Network ACLs, should configure their firewalls to block unauthorized outbound connections to mitigate against this and similar vulnerabilities. In addition, Fortigate has released IPS rules to detect and block this specific vulnerability (

), as has Juniper (

). If you are using a next generation firewall appliance from another supplier, IBM recommends contacting the firewall vendor for specific guidance for mitigating the Log4j vulnerability.

Why IBM i? Power and Scalability for a New IT Generation

Why Should Anyone Learn IBM i?

Few decisions impact business IT operations as much as determining which software to run on a company’s servers. Similarly, acquiring skill sets and experience with server operating systems can be a differentiating factor in an increasingly competitive job market. New options have emerged over the years, but new doesn’t always mean better. Operating systems like IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) are based on technology that has proven its effectiveness for decades, and many of the largest Fortune 500 companies, among others, continue to use “the i” today.  

It’s easy to understand why businesses value the platform when looking at the features that come with it. Further embedding loyalty in the operating system is the fact that IBM i comes with a strong history of resiliency and robust functionality.  

But some have asked whether having skills based on IBM i is worth the effort: Is IBM i relevant in today’s business world? Can it hold up to modern IT demands?  

The answer to both questions is a definitive YES. Despite some prevailing myths, IBM i continues to deliver on its foundational promises while leveraging the latest technology. IT professionals stand to gain a lot from learning the system—their expertise will be highly valued in companies that base their systems management on IBM Power servers running IBM i.

What follows are 14 reasons why it’s smart to have IBM i in your 21st century data center.

1. IBM i Is a Strong Investment

Many of the arguments against learning about IBM i stem from the misconception that the operating system is outdated or no longer used. The operating system’s history traces back to the release of System/38 in 1979. However, both IBM i and the hardware it runs on have continued to lead its rival platforms in power, reliability, scalability, and security in the years since its founding.

IBM i version 7.4 draws on that pedigree to provide businesses with a great deal of functionality upfront instead of requiring numerous add-ons and disparate programs to run effectively. Because it is a turnkey operating system, it’s easy to get up and running quickly. However, it also supports a wide range of other products to further enhance its built-in security, high resiliency, and seamless automation.

It also makes sense from a business perspective to learn about IBM i because many companies are still using it. More importantly, those businesses don’t have plans to move away from IBM i any time soon. The IBM i Marketplace Survey shows that about 3.6 percent of the market plans to leave IBM i over the next two years. Of that small percentage, we know that some will never move as they have problems replicating on another platform what their business applications do on IBM i. We also see that around 76 percent have applications that were developed in house. These are difficult to replace. This indicates that the system is powerful enough not only to exist in today’s business technology ecosystem, but also to meet the continuously evolving demands of modern organizations.  

We sometimes hear that IBM i is considered a legacy platform, but again the IBM i Marketplace Survey results reveal that 80 percent of the market is using SQL, 45 percent Java, 20 percent PHP, and a high percent using open source for development on IBM i. With the launch of version 7.1, IBM continued to enhance support for several languages including Java, PHP, and C++. They furthered the modernization by supporting open source in versions 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 of the operating system. The enhanced programming support, combined with several modernization initiatives, have made IBM i accessible to the new generation of IT professionals without sacrificing the functionality and reliability the system is known for. Today, IBM i professionals are using Git, NodeJS, Apache Tomcat, and many other open source technologies that IBM itself has tested and even installed for their customers.

The IBM Power server today supports even AI via Power9 GPU processors or AI via the new generation of Power10 processors right alongside your IBM i workload. Most customers will probably provide AI via a Linux VM running directly on IBM Power hardware.

2. IBM i Has Powerful Built-In Features

IBM i comes out-of-box with a range of functionality. The built-in object-level security brings a high level of securability to your applications to ensure that the application data is protected as soon as it turns on. The OS has an enabled firewall technology called exit points for tracking activity around FTP, ODBC, SQL, and other communication methods. Customers have to write their own programs for these exits or invest in a good exit point ISV software. IBM i also comes with built-in work management features that are designed to facilitate memory management automation and virtualization of work within a partition (VM). IBM i also comes with tools for monitoring performance. This collection data is very helpful for problem determination and sizing capacity.  

Of course, a single solution is rarely perfect on its own, as IBM recognized when it included support for middleware and open applications. This means that critical functionality already comes with the system and further enhancements can be added to it as business needs expand. Before getting into the powerful add-on features, it is helpful to understand IBM i’s basic operating environment and features.

3. IBM i Offers Smarter Work Management

On IBM i, work management refers to the processes that follow a job’s life from origin to completion. IBM i uses controlling subsystems to process work that enters the system, and the platform actually comes with Qctl and Qbase already configured. Qctl runs the startup and full system saves. The Qinter subsystem controls interactive activity that comes from end user business applications which run in their own memory pool. IBM i can have up to 64 memory pools for segregating different types of workloads.

The Qbase subsystem is configured to process the same work as Qctl, but simplifies management by separating into fewer subsystems. While this does sacrifice some personalization, it may be the better choice for those who just want to get started. Most users find that Qbase is enough to meet their needs, but IBM i does support custom subsystem configuration for users that want to further personalize their work management environments. Qinter, Qbatch, and QSPL are common subsystems for hosting interactive, batch, and printer jobs. Today’s modern environment will have many more subsystems supporting HTTP servers for web-based applications.

The system uses memory pools to allocate how many resources each subsystem can draw from. This is particularly beneficial for balancing performance, as administrators can place users into different subsystems and allocate a specific maximum number of resources so that jobs originating from those users don’t affect performance in other areas. Resources can be moved dynamically by the system tuner based on predefined parameters; they can also be moved at a predetermined time with a command (or, in an emergency, immediately).  

Using multiple subsystems to control different types of jobs is also beneficial from a management perspective. For example, an administrator may decide she wants to run a high resource batch job in the evening. Utilizing multiple subsystems would allow each one to be shut down systematically to avoid affecting jobs that still need to be processed. Admins can have up to 62 private memory pools (those that only a specific subsystem can access) but also have the ability to specify 62 shared memory pools. The system is shipped with two memory pools ID 1 and 2.

This flexibility allows for dynamic memory movement to meet the needs of the different types of work running on the system like batch, interactive, spooling, communication, and HTTP server jobs.

4. IBM i Offers Flexible Job Management

IBM i users can manage jobs using either IBM Navigator for i or a character-based interface. The operating system has built-in job queuing management that coordinates batch activity. IBM i’s built-in scheduling functionality allows users to run timer jobs or to schedule one-off tasks.  

The character-based interface can be used to schedule jobs within a range of parameters, including the ability to run batch jobs at regular intervals. However, many users find that Robot Schedule, an advanced job scheduling tool, can make the process a lot easier. IBM suggests that a job scheduling tool that fully integrates with IBM i affords a greater level of flexibility and control. Adopting such a tool will improve automation by allowing schedule rules to be defined from a larger pool of exceptions and built-in dependency processing for the jobs, file monitoring, user jobs, and more.

5. IBM i Supports Smart Programming

System functions can be performed using control language commands. IBM i supports the creation of CLP programs and procedures, a key component of automation that can be used to complete often-used system functions more efficiently. For example, an operator that frequently uses a specific set of subsystems together could write a CLP program to start all of them instead of initiating each one individually. This reduces the number of commands needed on a daily basis while also ensuring that system functions operate consistently. CLP is often used in conjunction with advanced scheduling to achieve fully-automated night and day processing.  

CLP programs and procedures can also be used to make applications more accessible to workstation users. A developer can create a non-technical interface (menu) for users that don’t have an in-depth understanding of the underlying commands a program uses. These menus ease the navigation of business applications that don’t have a GUI or web interface. This improves security as end users don’t need access to enter commands—access that, in the wrong hands, would create exposure.

6. IBM i Is Easy to Automate

While the basic concepts of work and job management are not unique to IBM i, automation is the differentiating trait that makes the IT worker’s job easier once everything is properly configured. By automating tasks such as routine maintenance and configuration, businesses need fewer people managing the system. But automation also provides a number of other benefits.  

To name a few:

Automation increases productivity for the IT team and end users
Automation improves performance
Automation lowers the risk of downtime – human error from running tasks manually is a leading cause of downtime!

According to the ITIC 2020 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Report, 64 percent of respondents said security is the top cause of reliability issues, followed by 60 percent of respondents who blamed human error. And yes, the paradigm of doing more with less holds true for the operating system as well: Businesses leveraging IBM i needed five times fewer administrators to manage the system.

7. IBM i Offers Strong Security You Can Customize

Security is another topic that often comes to the forefront of technology discussions, and IBM i holds several strong advantages. IBM i security incorporates all the advantages of automation along with support for customization. Also, its built-in intrusion detection system monitors for a number of common attacks, including distributed-denial-of-service, IP spoofing, and unauthorized access.  

When an administrator defines a custom intrusion policy in the system, IBM i will notify them by writing an event to QSYSOPR of an unusual event and record it in the security audit journal (QAUDJRN). This makes it easier to investigate potential threats and also helps IT meet compliance reporting mandates.  

What makes IBM i security really stand out is that it has been certified to government level c2. The system is highly securable with its object-level security, system values, exit points, ability to run antivirus, and more. The issue, as in most cases, is that administrators have not always configured the system correctly. For instance, they may not have configured even password rules correctly. Our free security scan by the Powertech team is the best place to start on your road to improving security.

8. IBM i Supports Powerful Add-Ons

One-size-fits-all rarely works in the data center, and industry best practices often require the use of multiple technologies. For this reason, IBM i has support for a robust selection of additional software and hardware solutions. From virtualization through PowerVM, to even higher resiliency through PowerHA, to centralized management and job automation. And, of course, support for HelpSystems IBM i software for cybersecurity, automation, and business intelligence. There are numerous options for enhancing IBM i.

9. IBM i Understands Virtualization

Virtualization has become the go-to strategy for reducing IT spending. By shifting hardware components to the digital realm, organizations can achieve lower infrastructure maintenance costs and simplify their management. The journey to the cloud is even impacting IBM i customers as today’s virtualization makes it snap to be considered.

IBM i has supported partitions since 1999. Virtualization via IBM’s PowerVM has been popular for many IBM Power users. The technology supports virtualization on AIX, Linux, and IBM i in different VMs on the same IBM Power processor server.

PowerVM includes a wide range of features, but one that makes it particularly powerful is live partition mobility (LPM). Live partition mobility allows virtualized partitions to be moved from one server to another while still active. Organizations can use LPM to better prepare for planned downtime and react to potential performance issues before they cause outages.  

There are a couple caveats: Using LPM requires all partitions involved to be virtualized (which means using SAN storage, shared processors, and the VIOS server that runs in one of the Power processor partitions), and both servers must be running throughout the process. That means LPM is not a disaster recovery or high availability tool. Nevertheless, it is a valuable feature on PowerVM Enterprise Edition that allows companies to move resources around without affecting business continuity.

10. IBM i Ensures High Availability

IBM i users benefit from a high level of resiliency that protects against downtime, but it is still important to have a disaster recovery strategy in place. ITIC’s most recent study indicates that the hourly cost of downtime continues to climb. It now exceeds $300,000 for 89 percent of SME and large enterprises. This cost and potential cannot be ignored.

PowerHA is IBM’s storage-based solution for disaster recovery and high availability. Because it leverages storage pools, roles can be swapped between primary and backups on demand. The technology includes functionality to monitor for errors in both the software and hardware. In addition, automated recovery means that operations can return to normal as quickly as possible. PowerHA comes in enterprise editions. HelpSystems also offers Robot HA, which can complement or be an alternative to hardware-based replication. Robot HA uses Db2 and IFS journaling technology along with base save commands to replicate data from one system to another system. It also supports role swaps. Robot HA can be used in conjunction with PowerHA as it can replicate some applications that are still running in the SYSBAS disk pool while PowerHA replicates the business data that is stored in the IASP disk pool.

11. IBM i Is Your Automation Workhorse

Despite misconceptions that it’s a legacy platform, IBM i has always been more than capable of running the latest technology and delivering value to businesses that use it. In fact, IBM i is an ideal candidate to become the automation workhorse for the entire organization.  

Because the operating system comes with a solid foundation for high availability, it is one of the best platforms for centralizing control of IT operations. IBM i also collects performance data on everything administrators need to monitor the health of the IBM i network, making improvements as needed. If you think about today’s desire to have technology in the cloud, IBM i and its scaling ability gives you the flexibility to build an on-premises or cloud environment that appears to be in the cloud to the end user. It really doesn’t matter as the cost to manage is low whether in the cloud or on prem.

IBM i’s support for a wide range of third-party tools pushes its value beyond other platforms. HelpSystems solutions like Robot systems management, BRMS, Robot HA, and PowerHA build on the solid foundation of reliability and automation, so users can tailor their systems while still meeting the demands of their business. 

12. IBM i Is Easy to Keep Up

The challenge of having so many features is knowing how to combine them to meet a company’s needs. IBM i is not difficult to use, but user education will go a long way toward improving the return on investment of any system. HelpSystems highly recommends participating in IBM i courses and going to conferences to learn the finer points of the platform. It can shorten the learning curve even further and provide insight into best practices associated with the technology.  

Veterans of the system may also be interested in taking a refresher course, particularly given the rate that technology evolves. Because IBM i supports a large range of third-party software and hardware, brushing up on the operating system may also create awareness about valuable new tools or features.  

There are a number of resources IT professionals can use to enhance their IBM i knowledge. For those that need a quick refresher on specific configuration issues, IBM Redbooks offer substantial guidance on everything from job management best practices to tutorials on specific configurations. New IBM i users may benefit most from training courses such as the online offerings from HelpSystems. They provide a more in-depth look at the architecture of IBM i and give guidance for core tasks such as job management and backup. YouTube does host free content on various topics around IBM I, including work management, RDi, backups, operations, and more. is a very good source for training on the platform as well.

Free IBM i Educational Resources Available from HelpSystems

Getting Started with IBM i Security eCourse

The world’s top IBM i security experts have joined forces to help IT professionals like you better understand how to use this platform’s powerful security controls. Join this e-course to learn how to address six critical areas of IBM i security.

IBM i Business Continuity eCourse

In this eCourse, the IBM i pros at HelpSystems join forces with leading technology experts to help IT professionals like you better understand the critical technologies involved in backup, recovery, and replication on IBM i.

IBM i Academy

Our goal is to help you quickly gain familiarity with the IBM i operating system, so that you can tackle your new responsibilities with confidence. This convenient collection of educational material was created by experts with decades of experience on the platform.

Cybersecurity Expert Consultation

Partner with cybersecurity experts to solve your most challenging data protection problems at any stage of the security management lifecycle.

Business Continuity Services

Partner with business continuity experts to gain confidence in your backup strategy and ensure that you are ready to recover when disaster strikes.

Capacity Planning Services

Allow our experts to examine your historical performance data, assess your current capacity and configuration, and share recommendations.

13. IBM i Helps Keep Total Cost Under Control

Business decision-making is increasingly dominated by a platform’s total cost of ownership, and the few platforms that deliver what IBM i does can’t do it without incurring significantly more expenses. Moreover, IBM i’s built-in resiliency means little chance of a hardware failure disrupting services—a huge relief for the bottom line.  

IBM i also supports integration with a wide range of tools— even with its built-in functionalities. As a result, a business using IBM i gains the assurances of high reliability and security while being able to leverage best-in-breed solutions to augment its powerful functionality.  

Most of the features that make IBM i unique come with default configurations, which means staff can benefit from them right away rather than spend time setting things up. However, it is impossible for predefined settings to meet the unique needs of every business. Getting the most out of the investment means users must have in-depth knowledge of the platform and its features, so they can configure it to meet the demands of their company.

14. IBM i Can Take Your Organization to the Next Level

In addition to supporting its own solutions, IBM i is built to support a large range of third-party tools that bring even more benefits to the table. To expand on the potential of IBM i’s built-in features, HelpSystems offers feature-rich software solutions for systems management, security, and data access challenges. 


IBM i includes some ability to schedule time-based, one-off jobs, but to take advantage of the platform’s fundamental strength for high availability, you need automation capabilities like those in Robot Schedule, which adds a more comprehensive set of scheduling rules, and Robot Schedule Enterprise, which can automate dependent jobs and files across Windows, AIX, and Linux.  

For your systems management challenges, IBM i provides everything you need to know: It has the capacity to generate a high volume of application and informational messages— as well as system performance data—but unfortunately, has no way to sift through the mountains of data for the information you need. That’s where the monitoring and management features in Robot Alert, Robot Console, Robot Monitor, and Robot Network come in to sift and graphically present that information to you, automatically. Performance Navigator software provides many options to report on performance and can be used to help size IBM Power hardware by using IBM i Collection Services.

Finally, no system is truly managed without a plan for when the worst-case scenario becomes reality. Using the same power behind our scheduling, monitoring, and management, the Robot Save solution automates your backup, disaster recovery, and media security challenges centrally and with graphical metrics to make your decision-making easier. 


IBM i is a secure, stable, and auditable platform, but that doesn’t mean its architecture is inviolable. Users with too much authority can conquer any system and no one configuration will fit all sizes when it comes to compliance. Powertech outfits security admins with the tools to manage this reality, leveraging the security capabilities of IBM i to provide auditor-worthy intrusion detection, profile management, and file integrity monitoring.

Powertech Exit Point Manager for IBM i is a commercial-grade exit program solution that controls and tracks exit point traffic. For protection from malicious programs, Powertech Antivirus for IBM i is built for the unique features of the IBM i operating system. Data encryption is an increasingly popular way to secure data and meet compliance requirements. Powertech Encryption for IBM i makes it easy to encrypt database fields, backups, and IFS files.

Data Access

Perhaps no platform comes close to the raw power for big data and application hosting as IBM i. But its native Query/400 provides only basic functions for managing the data. That’s what Sequel software is designed to do. We provide a custom and end-user friendly query engine with drill- down tables, charts, and graphs.

Document Management

IBM i does process many reports and documents like invoicing, bills of lading, credit memos, and more. Our document management solutions can help to scan, archive, manage, build, and design the forms that are needed for your IBM i based business. We do this better than anyone as we understand IBM i and the Windows servers used in this process.

Need help with your IBM i environment?

Contact the IBM i experts at HelpSystems.

Stay up to date on what matters.

Avoiding the pitfalls of legacy application migration [There is another way]

By Adrian Tully | Dec 9th 2021

A Cloud Security Alliance report suggests that 90% of CIOs have experienced failed or disrupted migration projects. Failures due to a lack of understanding or incorrectly applied industry practices, or the non-functional aspects of a migration project, failing to ensure scalability, reliability, and performance can all impact on the success of any migration project. There is a better way to approach migration of your legacy applications, don’t do it!

1. POWER Technology

Your RPG fixed format codebase is running on a platform that also enables IBMs AI to function, it’s the backbone of hybrid cloud provision, it’s rated number 1 at delivering the highest reliability by ITIC Global Reliability (and has been for 12 years). The POWER platform behind the IBM i allows us to utilise the latest technology to provide the business logic our organization needs in a stable and reliable method. Why would you move away from a proven reliable platform that is under constant development to ensure it is kept at the cutting edge of technology?

2. A New Risk

We manage risk every day.  Every time we deliver a change to our production systems there is risk involved: have the business signed off on the delivery window? are the operations teams ready to perform the implementation? are the installation steps clear? These risks don’t go away just because it’s a familiar platform or a programming language that we have a team of experts in, but the risks are mostly mitigated against. We’ve done it this way before, we normally do it this way successfully and the business stakeholders are happy in their expectations that we will be able to deploy our changes to them with minimal negative impact to their systems and their customers.

Now we’re trying to deliver a new platform (risk), a new application (risk), with a new interface (risk) to the business. We’re going to rewrite (risk) the application they’ve been relying on with new change delivery mechanisms (risk) on unproven architecture (risk). A revolution in the way the business runs (risk), a disruption to the current processes (risk) to bring in newfound efficiencies (hope).

Before we move too far from that word “disruption” are we really going to take the team of RPG and Business Application experts and turn them into a close team of junior programmers who we will rely on to build the brave new Java world, and who is looking after the business while we write the new applications needed? The risks are spiralling and there is a better way to approach this – there is a way we can avoid the 12-month post-dated revolution and look at a more cautious path. We’ll be delivering smaller changes more quickly with less risk, less exposure to failure, less impact to the users and customers. Yet we can still modernize, we can improve our code base to something more recognisable to new coders. We are not using RPG3 anymore (mostly), and the RPG language has evolved into a modern free format code that can utilize the best of the IBM POWER platform.

3. Legacy vs Heritage

Historically code converters couldn’t be relied upon, but now with near 100% conversion rate to fully free format RPG across your bespoke application all that has changed.  ARCAD Transformer RPG can be used on your legacy application source to create modern free format RPG while retaining all the existing functionality. Moreover, RPG is the native language of the IBM i so we don’t have to risk those unknown performance issues we face when moving to a new language on a new platform.

This Free Format code is helping future proof your application. With Free Format RPG being easier to read, easier to code, and easier to document, it’s reducing the costs and time taken to maintain your legacy application.  Free Format is also opening up your talent base to a new breed of application developers. You can integrate your .NET and Java programmers into your heritage application team as the learning curve for free format RPG is very low for existing RPG developers – but also for your open system developers as well.  Without the fixed structure of the code RPG has a modern style which is easy for new developers to relate to, especially when paired with the right tooling.

ARCAD Transformer RPG gives you a one-click conversion from RPGLE to free format RPG and you can do this from your eclipse plugin on RDi. It has been developed in collaboration with the RPG Compiler team at IBM and if the compiler is happy with the conversion, then you can be reassured that you will retain the business advantage you’ve been developing over the past decades.

4.Industry-standard tools like Git on IBM i

We’ve converted our legacy fixed format code into modern heritage free format RPG and now we want to improve the way we work with it. Now that our developers are working on modern code they’re trying to manage their multiple branches of development. Over on the non-i side of the business, development teams are already familiar with Git and its repositories and can easily manage merging the changes of features into the release branch, and there is no reason we on the IBM i can’t take advantage of the tools out there as well. We can store RPG in our Git repositories, we can use that to manage our branches, our concurrent development and merging the changes into a single release version to be deployed into production.

With ARCAD for DevOps you can now take that source from Git and automate your development pipeline. We can trigger a build of a branch or version automatically when the latest changes have been pushed to the repository. Using the ARCAD plugins to automation tools and the webhook functionality within we can start to modernize not just our application code but also the way it is built, the way it is tested, and the way it progresses through the development cycle. We can remove a lot of the manual activity that our coders were previously forced to do – and manage the testing environments so that test data is refreshed automatically. We can also automate the unit testing so that we are using the best tests for the changes that are going into our application. We can catch the errors sooner in the cycle before they start to become expensive, embarrassing production issues.

5. A Modern Testing Suite

ARCAD iUnit allows your developers to pool their individual unit tests and combine the best tests into a single repository to ensure that changes are always fully tested before reaching QA. This reduces cycle time and removes the rework of ad hoc unit tests that are specific to a single developer. Integration of ARCAD iUnit with IBMs code coverage allows you to evidence the testing strategy providing your stakeholders, and auditors, with more confidence in your process of delivering the changes they’ve asked for. Improving the evidence of testing also helps you find the gaps – which functions aren’t being tested and where do the risks lie.  You’re not just reassuring the business but you’re putting in place solid improvements into your development cycle. ARCAD iUnit has been built in line with jUnit and all the ARCAD iUnit test cases can be exported into jUnit – this way you don’t need to retrain your new coders and they can continue to use the unit tests they’re comfortable with. ARCAD iUnit also provides an interface that your legacy coders can follow easily, with automatic identification of required parameters and the ability to mock procedure calls, file interactions, or even calls to programs that don’t yet exist. This can all be initiated through your automated pipeline as well, with unit testing of your changes becoming part of the process.  There’s no need to go back to your developers to chase up if the changes have got a unit test of some description, because this is all now part of the process, evidence automatically collected and stored.

ARCAD Code Checker follows on from your unit tests and starts to look at the quality of your code reporting on things like the complexity of your code, how much technical debt your application has, or are modern coding practices being followed. It also pinpoints hotspots and security vulnerabilities. With almost 100 rules in place and the option to add more of your own, you’re able to discover more about your application source code to remove the inefficiencies that have built up over the years. You’re enforcing your standards onto the code that’s being written, leaving the old practices behind as you modernize to a full free format modularized application delivering services to your end users faster than ever.  Best of all, now you’re improved the base application, there’s no need to have a revolution in the application. Modernize your processes and take the revolution there – while meanwhile letting your developers benefit from the automation of the steps that have been taking them away from coding. Your senior developers no longer need to check all the changes that new developers have been making; they can use their time to do what they excel at, coding your new modern application.

5. Web services in 10 minutes?

Of course users and customers become more demanding every year and are always looking for the data they need in a quick and easy way (is there something missing from the new app that we need to go to the IBM i to get?). This is where ARCAD API comes in. Without rewriting your green screen application you’re able to utilise the logic you’ve already built into your application to build Web Services. By recording scenarios in a drag and drop interface, without any programming knowledge, you can create a Web Service allowing you to interrogate the IBM i application and return the result to your web service; and update the IBM i with information fed to the Web Service. Your application remains unchanged, and your business logic and security remain in place. The scenarios can manage unexpected screens or subfiles so that no matter how complex your application, you can create a web service to allow the data to be shared.

The web services can be deployed to any application infrastructure, on premise, cloud, or hybrid. ARCAD API is also compatible with any API Gateway such as Kong, Axway, Amplify etc.

We’re doing all of this without that revolution on the other path.  Our users are getting the modern benefits without having to relearn everything. It’s still the application they know, it still runs as fast as it ever has, a little faster in some cases, and now they’re getting faster development, along with new functions added to the app so the customers can have the information at their fingertips. In turn this gives back time to the business to generate more customers, improve the relationship with existing customers by allowing them to focus their time on growing the business.

6. Summary

In some cases there could be a benefit to migrating your existing application, but if we’re to look at the results of other companies who have attempted this revolution, it tells us that we should not underestimate our IBM i platform and the tools that are available for it. In many cases the evolution of your application into a more modern solution for your customers is the right thing to do. How much benefit could you deliver to your business in a year using the expert team you currently have, rather than have them learn Java and spend that year trying to build a new business critical application in a language they’ve just learnt. Adopting the ARCAD toolset allows you to use the modern pipelines, move to an Agile methodology for your development, and deliver smaller changes more often through an automated process. Embrace DevOps and the efficiencies that brings to your change cycle, enhance what you have in place at a speed that you’re comfortable with.

The IBM i platform you are on is reliable – your end users don’t wonder if it’ll be running on a Monday morning after an update. They just know that you’re delivering business logic to improve the way they can run the business and they’re getting more benefits quicker without everything becoming confusing. The ARCAD tools can help you get there at your pace.  We’re breaking barriers that have been holding your development back, we want you to deliver more, to be more successful, to have your best developers doing what they’re good at.

Implementing a DevOps strategy on IBM i? Engage your IBM I teams – Read our White Paper!

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