The Ease Of API Programming Has To Be Balanced By Heightened API Security

If you have modernized legacy applications or created new applications from scratch, you very likely have application programming interfaces, or APIs, exposed to enable applications to share data. To some ways of thinking, this sharing of data between chunks of code in a formalized way – within the organization or across code bases developed internally or created by third parties and residing on premises, in the cloud somewhere, or both – is what actually constitutes an application. The integrated whole is what makes everything work.

By their very nature, therefore, APIs are a boon to companies looking to weave together

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Guru: What Is Constant Folding And Why Should I Care About It?

Constant folding is a compiler-optimization technique, whereby the compiler replaces calculations that involve constants with the result values when possible. Constant folding is common in modern compilers, and according to the RPG reference, the RPG compiler uses this technique. (See the documentation of the %div and %rem functions, for example.)

But you and I don’t write compilers. We write business applications. Why then should we care about constant folding? That’s a question worth pondering.

Consider how I used to have to write RPG in the Dark Ages.


Here I’m copying the customer account number to

The post Guru: What Is Constant Folding And Why Should I Care About It? appeared first on IT Jungle.

017 Scary Spooky DR Stories from the Crypt With Deb Saugen

017:   Welcome to Spooktober on The incredible i Show – part 1.  On the show this week, we have Backup and Recovery expert Deb Saugen.  Deb is recognized worldwide as the leading expert on IBM i Backup/Recovery, Disaster Recovery and High Availably.  Deb shares some of her scariest DR stories and why you need to prepare for the worst!Deb’s contact information and social:Email: [email protected] incredible Th(i)ng!  Products, gadgets, recipes, music, or things we are loving right now.Tony’s picks for this week:Warm up your home this winter with a fireplace insert!US Stove 1,800 Sq. Ft. Wood Stove Insert | US Stove CompanyPeg’s pick for the week: Latest 007 James Bond movie “No Time To Die”. Deb’s pick for the week:Heading to Legoland with her grand kids!  Awesome Awaits at LEGOLAND® Parks and Hotels Upcoming Events:  THIS WEEK!!! RPG & DB@ Summit October 20-26, 2021A virtual event focused exclusively on IBM i developers. Join RPG, database and open source experts for 5+ days of live, interactive, online in-depth sessions for developers. Check out the sessions and the expert speakers and see for yourself.This episode is sponsored by… COMMON Midrange Dynamics Change Management Software – Built for IBM i modernization!  Interested in sharing your IBM i story?  Want to sponsor the podcast?  We want to hear from you!  Reach out to Peg at [email protected] 

IBM SSD Enterprise eMCL Solid State Drives

IBM Solid State Drives SSD prices for iSeries, VIOS and Power AIX systems have dropped so much over the years, it is a no brainer decision to replace those old HDDs. Using IBM SSD with eMLC will give your applications, queries and other frequently and randomly accessed DB2 data a cheap performance boost. Regardless of your IBM Power system generation, the cost of replacing existing hard disk drives with refurbished SSDs is a fraction of what you originally paid for your installed HDDs. Data you will not likely want to move to solid state drives include sequentially read and rarely accessed data. Refurbished solid state drives are eligible for IBM maintenance contracts, so there is no need to worry about support from IBM.

Prices for refurbished IBM SSDs can be up to 90% less than IBM list price. IBM’s 3rd generation enterprise solid state drives provide excellent price comparisons, like the ES0D 387GB SSD SFF-2 with eMLC. At the moment, the ES0D SSD is selling for $500 in refurbished condition with warranty, compared to IBM list price of $3,588. The ES0D Solid State Drive uses IBM’s third generation eMLC technology offering significant performance advantages, providing up to 2X more IOPS capacity and 40% better latency than the previous eMLC SSD generation technology.

IBM’s eMLC Solid State Drives are what IBM now refers to as Enterprise SSDs, and should not to be confused with mainstream (read intensive) SSDs. IBM’s 2nd generation eMLC SSDs were also designed to deliver great sustained performance, reliability and longevity, but the enhancements with the 3rd generation eMLC Solid State Drives can provide 24x7x365 usage for 5 years, even while running write-intensive workloads. Actual customer workloads will never reach the usage levels IBM used to test their SSDs, so the life span of the SSD should be significantly much greater for every customer.

The newer 4th generation eMLC4 Solid State Drives for IBM Power9, Power8 and Power7 systems also have a great price to performance ROI. A couple good eMLC4 SSD price comparisons are the ES8N and ES8R Solid State Drives. The ES8N 387GB SFF-3 SSD 4k eMLC4 is currently sold for about 80% off list price for roughly $450 and the ES8R 775GB SFF-3 SSD 4k eMLC4 is currently sold for less than 50% of list price.

The IBM eMLC4 enterprise SSDs also offer a 1.55 TB SSD, providing twice the maximum capacity of previous eMLC Solid State Drives. Using larger capacity SSD drives, means less SAS adapters. It is important to note, random read-only IOPS performance is only slightly better on eMLC4 SSD compared to the previous generation. However, random write-only eMLC4 IOPS performance is very much worth the investment, as it has increased significantly.

IBM eMLC4 SSDs are supported in Power9 and Power8 system units (SFF-3) and in EXP24S I/O drawers 5887 attached to Power9, Power8 and Power7 servers (SFF-2).  Another valuable note about eMLC4 SSD’s, is that they provide SAS 6 Gbps throughput, and capable of supporting 12 Gbps when future SAS adapters come to market.

How To Setup Interactive Commands For RDi

This video shows you how to: • Use the quick access to find views like the Object Table view if you close it accidentally or are in Debug and the view is not present! • Use the command line in the Object Table view • How to get the proper command for interactive settings for STRRSESVR command to run interactive commands • How to paste commands into a green screen session • How to run interactive commands in RDi – and how to close those interactive screens too! • And how to get display the Command Keys in the built-in Host Emulator in RDi so you can end the interactive sessions. • And how to hide the command line to get more Object Table room in the DEBUG perspective. All in UNDER 90 seconds!
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