Programming in ILE RPG – Defining Standalone Variables & Assigning Initial Values to Data – MC Press Online

​[[{“value”:”Although the database might not support some very large fields, character data items defined in an ILE RPG program generally have higher limits, up to about 16 MB.
A typical use for a standalone variable might be as a counter to count the number of transactions being processed, as an intermediate variable to temporarily hold a value for later processing, as an accumulator to keep running track of year-to-date sales amounts, or as an indicator to represent whether a condition is true.”}]] Read More 

Practical RPG: AI and IBM i

​[[{“value”:”I asked it a simple question: with two files, CUSTOMER and TASKS both keyed by field CUSNUM, write RPG code to read every record in the CUSTOMER file, and if there is no record in the TASKS file, set the status to C.
There are really only two ways to use an LLM to help you code: ask questions of an existing LLM or build your own.”}]] Read More 

Splitting a PDF using RPG and PDFBox ImRickyT

​[[{“value”:”I wrote an article on LinkedIn about splitting a PDF document based on page numbers using RPG and a OpenSource project PDFBox. Hope it helps someone. Plan on releasing one that splits based on Text in the PDF document.
submitted by /u/ImRickyT[link][comments]”}]] Read More 

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