Join Brunch and Learn Session (IBMi) – Free Registration samanthaatpio

​Lansa and team up for an exclusive IBMi Brunch and Learn session! Join now to discover the power of IBMi technology and gain valuable insights from industry experts. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to level up your skills! Find the Schedule Here . submitted by /u/samanthaatpio[link][comments] Read More 

Mass insert into IFS file using IFS_WRITE Simon Hutchinson

​There are times when someone asks me a question I think is interesting enough to become a post here. This was the question that was the germ for this post:

How can I read a physical file and for each records, use the IFS_WRITE Function to write the [ IFS ] file?

The IFS_WRITE are really three SQL procedures that writes data to a file in the IFS:

IFS_WRITE:  Write plain text to IFS file
IFS_WRITE_UTF8:  Write UTF8 text
IFS_WRITE_BINARY:  Write binary text

In the following examples I am going to use IFS_WRITE_UTF8 as I want the contents of the IFS file to be UTF8 compatible.
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016 Geospatial Revolution: Exploring the Powerhouse Duo of IBM i and Watson

​016 Today we have a genuinely remarkable guest joining us. Please welcome Sarah Mackenzie, a Senior Developer from IBM who has helped to spearhead an extraordinary geospatial project that showcases the unparalleled collaboration between IBM i and Watson. Sarah’s expertise in geospatial analysis and harnessing the power of Watson brings forth a compelling journey into the limitless possibilities of location-based intelligence.Through the integration of IBM i and Watson, Sarah has unlocked the true potential of geospatial data, providing businesses with actionable insights and transformative opportunities. We’ll explore the fascinating fusion of IBM i and Watson, unveiling its profound impact on geospatial analysis.Sarah Mackenzie, Senior Software Engineer, IBM Email: [email protected]:// incredible Th(i)ng!  Products, gadgets, recipes, music or things we are loving right now.Sarah’s pick for this week:Learning to play the guitar!Peg’s pick for this week:Summer road trips with the family!Upcoming EVENTS:COMMON Europe Congress 2023 in Prague!SHOW SPONSORS:COMMONMidrange Dynamics Change Management Software – Built for IBM i modernization!Be sure to check out our website, LinkedIn page and like and subscribe – all those things!Interested in sharing your IBM i story?  Want to sponsor the podcast?  We want to hear from you!  Reach out to Peg.Email: [email protected] Read More 

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